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The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of social and political movements / edited by David A. Snow, Donatella della Porta, Bert Klandermans and Doug McAdam.

Snow, David A. (redaktör/utgivare)
Della Porta, Donatella, 1956- (redaktör/utgivare)
Alternativt namn: Porta, Donatella della, 1956-
Klandermans, Bert (redaktör/utgivare)
McAdam, Doug (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9780470674871
Publicerad: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Engelska 1 online resource (3 volumes (xliv, 1487 pages))
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Abeyance -- Abolitionist Movement -- Aboriginal Peoples' Movements (Australia) -- ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) -- Activism -- Advocacy Networks -- Age and Social Movements -- Agents Provocateurs -- Agrarian Movements (United States) -- AIDS Activism -- Ainu Indigenous Rights Movement (Japan) -- Al-Qaeda -- Alienation and Social Movements -- Alinsky, Saul (1909-1972) -- Altruism and Social Movements -- American Revolution -- Amnesty International -- Anarchism -- Animal Rights Movement -- Anti-Japanese Colonization Resistance (Taiwan) -- Anti-World Bank and IMF Riots -- Antiapartheid Movement (South Africa) -- Anticolonial Movements -- Anticrime Movements in Latin America -- Antifeminist Movements (United States) -- Antiglobalization Movements -- Antinuclear Movement in Japan -- Antinuclear Power Movements (In General) -- Antiracist Movements in Europe -- Antislavery Movement -- Antiwar and Peace Movements.
  • Antiwitchcraft Movements in Africa -- ANUC (Colombian Peasant Movement) -- Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements -- April Revolution (Korea) -- Arab Spring -- Artistic Currents and Milieus and Social Movements -- Asylum Rights Protest Campaigns -- Asylum, Refugee, and Immigration Movements in Australia -- Attac -- Barricades -- Biographical Availability -- Biographical Consequences of Activism -- Bisexual Movement -- Black Power Movement (United States) -- Bloc Recruitment -- Bolivarian Revolution (Venezuela) -- Boycotts -- Brokerage -- Buraku Liberation Movement (Japan) -- Bureaucratization and Social Movements -- Bystander Publics -- Case Studies and Social Movements -- Catnets -- Cause Lawyering -- Central America Solidarity Movement -- Charisma -- Chávez, César Estrada (1937-1992) -- Chinese Communist Revolution -- Christian Identity Movement -- Citizen Peacebuilding Movements -- Civil Disobedience.
  • You have free access to this content -- Civil Rights Movement (United States) -- Civil Society -- Claims-Making -- Class Consciousness: The Marxist Conception -- Co-Operative Movement -- Co-Optation -- Coalitions -- Cognitive Liberation -- Collective (Public) Goods -- Collective Action (Collective Behavior) -- Collective Efficacy -- Collective Identity -- Collective Memory and Social Movements -- Commitment -- Communication Rights -- Community Organizing (United States) -- Comparative Research -- Competition Theory of Ethnic/Racial Conflict and Protest -- Confessional Protest -- Consciousness, Conscience, and Social Movements -- Consensual Decision-Making -- Consensus and Action Mobilization -- Consumer Movements -- Contagion Theory -- Contemporary Social and Political Movements in Russia -- Contentious Politics -- Contentious Politics in Current China -- Convergence/Dispositional Theory -- Conversion and New Religious Movements.
  • Countercultures -- Critical Mass Theory -- Crowds (Gatherings) and Collective Behavior (Action) -- Cuban Revolution -- Cults -- Cultural Revolution (China) -- Culture and Social Movements -- Culture Jamming -- Decolonization and Social Movements -- Defending Diaoyutai Islands Movement and Pan-Chinese Nationalism (Taiwan) -- Demand and Supply of Protest -- Demobilization -- Democracy and Social Movements -- Democracy Inside Social Movements -- Democratization and Democratic Transition -- Demography and Social Movements and Revolutions -- Demonstrations -- Diffusion and Scale Shift -- Direct Action -- Direct Democracy -- Disability Rights Movement (United States) -- Discourse Analysis and Social Movements -- Discursive Fields -- Discursive Opportunity Structure -- Disengagement in Social Movements -- Dramaturgy and Social Movements -- Dual Identity -- Earth's Color March (Mexico) -- Eastern European Social Movements.
  • Ecological Conditions/Determinants -- Elections and Social Movements -- Electronic Protest -- Emergent Norm Theory -- Emotion and Social Movements -- Emotion Work -- Employers' Collective Action -- Entrepreneurs, Movement -- Environmental Movements -- Equal Rights Amendment (United States) -- ETA: Basque Nationalist and Separatist Organization -- Ethnic Movements -- Ethnography and Social Movements -- Europeanization and Social Movements -- Event History Analysis -- Everyday Activism -- Experimental Methods -- Extremism -- Factions/Factionalism -- Falun Gong (China) -- Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (El Salvador) -- FARC (The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) -- Fascist Movements -- Feminism and Social Movements -- Fields of Contention -- First Nation Sovereignty Movements (Canada) -- Formal Models and Computer Simulations -- Frame Disputes -- Framing and Social Movements -- Free Rider Problem -- Free Spaces.
  • Free Speech Movement -- Freedom Summer (United States) -- French Revolution -- Friedan, Betty (1921-2006) -- Friends of the Earth -- Frustration-Aggression -- Gandhi, Mahatma (1869-1948) -- Gay and Lesbian Movement -- Gender and Social Movements -- Generational and Cohort Analysis -- Genocide and Social Movements -- Geography and Social Movements -- Global Justice Movement -- Global Justice Movement in Europe -- Globalization and Movements -- Grassroots Movements -- Gray Zone of Politics and Social Movements -- Green Movement in Iran -- Greenpeace -- Grievances, Individual and Mobilizing -- Guerrilla Movements -- Guevara, Ernesto "Che" (1928-1967) -- Hackers -- Hamas (Palestine) -- Health Movements (United States) -- High and Low Risk/Cost Activism -- Historical Research and Social Movements -- Hizb Ut-Tahrir -- Homeless Protest Movements (United States) -- Hooliganism.
  • Human Rights Movements -- Hunger Strikes -- "Iron Law of Oligarchy" -- Islamic Movements -- Islamic Women's Movements -- Israeli Social Movements -- Identity Fields -- Identity Politics -- Identity Work Processes -- Ideology -- Immigration, Protest, and Social Movements -- Indian Independence Movement -- Indigenous Movements in Latin America -- Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) -- Indymedia (The Independent Media Center) -- Initiator and Spin-Off Movements -- Injustice Frames -- Institutional Theory and Social Movements -- Institutionalization of Social Movements -- Instrumental Versus Expressive Action -- Interest Groups and Social Movements -- Internet and Social Movements -- Interviewing Activists -- Iranian Islamic Revolution of 1979 -- Irish Republican Movement -- Japanese "New" Religious Movements (1930-present) -- Journalism and Social Movements -- King, Martin Luther, Jr (1928-1968) -- Korean Residents Movement in Japan.
  • Kwang-Ju Uprising (Korea) -- Labor Movement -- Labor Movement in Latin America -- Labor Protest in the European Union -- Land Movements in Africa -- Landless Workers Movement (MST) Brazil -- Law and Social Movements -- Leadership -- Lenin (V.I. Ylianov) (1870-1924) -- Liberation Theology/Base Communities (South America) -- Life History Research and Social Movements -- Lukang Anti-DuPont Movement (Taiwan) -- Mandate of Heaven (China) -- Mandela, Nelson (1918- ) -- Mao Zedong (1893-1976) -- March First Movement of 1919 (Korea) -- Marches -- Marxism and Social Movements -- Mass Society Theory -- Master Frame -- Mau Mau Revolt (Africa) -- May Fourth Movement (China) -- Mechanisms -- Media Activism -- Media and Social Movements -- Media Framing and Social Movements -- Meetings -- Mexican Revolution -- Micro-Meso Mobilization -- Modernity of Nationalism -- Modular Protest Forms.
  • Molly Maguires (United States) -- Moral Economy Theory and Peasant Movements in Latin America -- Moral Incentives -- Moral Panics -- Moral Shocks/Outrage -- Motivation and Types of Motives (Instrumental; Identity, Ideological Motives) -- Movement Society -- Movement Toward Socialism (MAS-IPSP) (Bolivia) -- Movement/Countermovement Dynamics -- Movements within Institutions/Organizations -- Movies and Movements -- Multiculturalism and Social Movements -- Multiorganizational Fields -- Music and Social Movements -- Muslim Activism in Europe -- Narratives -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (United States) -- National Liberation Sandinist Front (Nicaragua) -- National Organization for Women (NOW) (United States) -- Nationalist Movements -- Native American Movements (United States) -- Nazi Movement (Germany).
  • Neo-Nazi Movements in Europe and the United States -- Networks and Social Movements -- New Left and Social Movements -- New Left and Social Movements in Europe -- New Social Movements and New Social Movement Theory -- NIMBY Movements -- Nongovernmental Organizations -- Nonviolence/Nonviolent Action -- Northern Ireland Civil Rights Movement -- Nuclear Freeze Movement -- Occupy Wall Street Movement -- "Orange" and "Colored" Revolutions in Former Soviet Union -- Organizations and Movements -- Organizations, Community-Based -- Organizations, Congregation-Based -- Otpor -- Outcomes, Cultural -- Outcomes, Political -- Pacifism -- Paris Commune -- Participation in Social Movements -- Participatory Budgeting -- Participatory Democracy in Social Movements -- Patriot/Militia Movement in the United States -- Peasant Movements -- Peasant Rebellions of Imperial China -- Penal Abolitionist Movement -- Peronism -- Petitions.
  • Piqueteros (Workers/Unemployment Movement in Argentina) -- Plowshares Movement -- Police Autonomy -- Police Riots -- Policing Protest -- Political Alignments and Cleavages -- Political Economy and Social Movements -- Political Generation -- Political Mediation Model -- Political Opportunity/Political Opportunity Structure -- Political Process Theory -- Political Science and the Study of Social Movements -- Political Socialization and Social Movements -- Politicized Identity -- Politics of Grief and Grieving "Mothers" Movements -- Poor People's Movements -- Popular Assembly of the Towns of Oaxaca (Mexico) -- Population Ecology and Social Movements -- Populism/Populist Movements -- Postcommunism and Social Movements -- Postmaterialism and Social Movements -- Precipitating Events and Flashpoints -- Prefigurative Politics -- Pro-Democracy of 1987 (Korea) -- Pro-Life/Pro-Choice Movements -- Protest Cycles and Waves -- Protest Event Research.
  • Public Opinion and Movements -- Public Order Management Systems -- Public Sphere -- QCA and Fuzzy Set Applications to Social Movement Research -- Quebec Nationalist Movement (Canada) -- Quotidian Disruption -- Racist Social Movements -- Radical Flank Effects -- Radicalism -- Rational Choice Theory and Social Movements -- Recruitment -- Recyclable Materials Collectors Movement in Brazil and South America -- Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof Group (Germany) -- Red Brigades (Italy) -- Red Shirt Anticorruption Movement (Taiwan) -- Regionalist Movements -- Relative Deprivation -- Religion and social movements -- Repertoires of Contention -- Repression and Social Movements -- Republican Revolution of 1911 (China) -- Resistance -- Resonance, Frame -- Resource Mobilization Theory -- Revolutions -- Right-Wing Movements -- Rights and Rights Movements -- Riots -- Rumor in Collective Behavior and Social Movements -- Russian Revolution.
  • San Salvador Atenco Farmers' Movement (Mexico) -- Satyagraha -- Science and Social Movements -- Selective Incentives -- Self-Help Movements -- Sendero Luminoso/Shining Path (Peru) -- Separatist Movements -- Situational Analysis and Social Movements -- Slave Rebellions -- Slow Food Movement -- Social and Solidary Incentives -- Social Capital and Social Movements -- Social Change and Social Movements -- Social Class and Social Movements -- Social Control -- Social Control Errors -- Social Forum, World -- Social Media -- Social Movement Industry -- Social Movement Organization (SMO) -- Social Movement Sector -- Social Movements -- Social Movements and the State in Singapore -- Social Movements in India -- Social Problems and Social Movements -- Social Psychology of Movement Participation -- Solidarity (Poland) -- Solidarity and Movements -- South Korean Transnational Fatherhood Movement.
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) (United States) -- Spillover, Social Movement -- Squatters' Movements -- State Breakdown and Social Movements -- State Building and Social Movements -- State-Sponsored Social Movements -- Stonewall Riots (United States) -- Strain and Breakdown Theories -- Strategies of the Chinese Communist Revolution -- Strategy -- Strikes in US History -- Strikes within the European Context -- Student Movements -- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) (United States) -- Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) (United States) -- Subcultures and Social Movements -- Suffrage Movement, International -- Survey Research -- Symbolic Crusades -- Syndicalism -- System Exiting and Social Movements -- Tactical Interaction and Innovation -- Tactics -- Taiping Rebellion (China) -- Taiwan Independent Movement -- Targets -- Tea Party Movement (United States).
  • Technology and Social Movements -- Temperance Movements -- Terrorist Movements -- Threat -- Tiananmen Student Movement (China) -- Transgender Movement -- Transnational Social Movements -- Transnational Zapatism -- Unemployment Movements -- Urban Movements -- Urban Riots in Europe, Post-2000 -- Velvet Revolution of 1989 -- Victim Movements -- Violence Against Oneself -- Violence and Social Movements -- Visual Analysis of Social Movements -- Voluntary Associations and Social Movements -- War and Social Movements -- War Crime Movements in Japan -- Weatherman (United States) -- Women's Movement in Australia -- Women's Movement in Japan -- Women's Movement in Spain -- Women's Movements -- Women's Movements in Africa -- Women's Movements in Europe -- Women's Movements in India -- World-System and Social Movements -- Zapatista Movement (Mexico) -- Zionist Movement.
  • Comprises over 400 entries about major social and political movements and related collective phenomena throughout segments of history and across the world: from the antislavery movement, to the Tiananmen Square student protests of 1989, to the Arab Spring. 


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Politiskt deltagande  (sao)
Sociala rörelser  (sao)
Social movements  -- Encyclopedias. (LCSH)
Social movements  -- Political aspects -- Encyclopedias. (LCSH)
Political participation  -- Encyclopedias. (LCSH)
Political activists  -- Encyclopedias. (LCSH)
Social movements  -- Political aspects. (fast)
Social movements  (LCSH)
Political activists  (LCSH)
Political participation  (LCSH)


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