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Home-School Relations : International Perspectives / edited by Yan Guo.

Guo, Yan (redaktör/utgivare)
SpringerLink (Online service) 
ISBN 9789811303241
Publicerad: Singapore : Springer Singapore : 2018
Engelska 1 online resource (VIII, 304 pages)
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Part I: Theorizing Parent Engagement and Policy Analysis -- Chapter 1. Recognition of Immigrant and Minority Parent Knowledge -- Chapter 2. The Challenge of Family Engagement Policy Implementation: A Case Study of Title I School-Family Compacts in the United States -- Part II: Minority and Immigrant Parent Engagement -- Chapter 3. Learning in Schools and Homes: Successes and Complications in Bringing Minority Parents into Conversation with Their Children’s Schools -- Chapter 4. Parental Responsibilization: Involving “Immigrant Parents” in Swedish Schools -- Chapter 5. Chinese Immigrant Parents’ Involvement in Their Children’s School-Based Education: Behaviours and Perceptions -- Part III: Parent-Teacher Relationships in International Contexts -- Chapter 6. Changes in Parent-Teacher Relationships under China’s Market Economy -- Chapter 7. Social Equity and Home-School Collaboration in Multicultural Early Years of Education – a Hong Kong Perspective -- Chapter 8. Family Acculturation, Parent Style, and Ethnic Minority Students’ Identity Construction in Hong Kong -- Chapter 9. Parent-School Partnership in Education: New Development of the School Council in South Korea -- Chapter 10. Parental Involvement in Schools along the USA-Mexico Border -- Part IV: Home-School Relationships in Teacher Education -- Chapter 11. Creating New Spaces for Pre-Service Teachers to Engage with Parents: An Australian Coteaching and Cogenerative Dialoguing Project -- Chapter 12. Teacher Education in Mongolia: Institutional and Social Factors Contributing to a Lack of Parental Involvement -- Chapter 13. Korean Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Parent-Teacher Partnerships: The Effects of Motivation and Teaching Beliefs -- Chapter 14. Immigrant and Minority Parent Engagement: A Participatory Approach in Pre-Service Teacher Education Program -- Chapter 15. University-School Partnerships: Professional Development of Teachers and School-Family Interactions in a Brazilian Context.
  • This book examines new directions in home-school relations from an international perspective. Unlike other current literature that concentrates on traditional models of family-school partnerships in Western countries, it focuses on the contributions of immigrant and minority parents, especially those in Asia and South America. This book brings together international scholars who explore home-school relations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Mongolia, Sweden and the United States. 


Undervisning i hemmet  (sao)
Interkulturell pedagogik  (sao)
Education.  (LCSH)
International education.  (LCSH)
Comparative education.  (LCSH)
Educational sociology.  (LCSH)
Teaching.  (LCSH)
Education and sociology.  (LCSH)
Sociology, Educational.  (LCSH)
International and Comparative Education. 
Sociology of Education. 
Teaching and Teacher Education. 
Home schooling  (LCSH)
Homebound instruction  (LCSH)
Multicultural education  (LCSH)


LB43 (LCC)
EDU043000 (ämneskategori)
371.042 (DDC)
Em (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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