Accurate enumeration of apoptotic cancer cells using flow cytometry / David Diaz, Hugo Barcenilla, Alfredo Prieto, Jorge Monserrat, Melchor Alvarez-Mon.
- Artikel/kapitelEngelska2022
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Kompletterande språkuppgifter
The frequency of apoptotic cells in a given phenotypically defined population is usually calculated the apoptotic index (AI), i.e., the percentage of apoptotic cells displaying a specific linage antigen (LAg) within a population of cells that remain unfragmented and retain the expression of the LAg. However, this approach has two major limitations. Firstly, apoptotic cells fragment into apoptotic bodies that later disintegrate. Secondly, apoptotic cells frequently lose, partially or even completely, the cell surface expression of the LAg used for the identification of specific cell subsets. The present chapter will describe a flow cytometry method to calculate the apoptotic rate (AR) that takes into account both cell fragmentation and loss of lineage antigen expression on measurement of apoptosis using flow cytometry ratiometric cell enumeration that emerges as a more accurate method of measurement of the occurrence of apoptosis in normal and tumoral cell cultures.
Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar
Apoptotic rate
Apoptotic index
Cell enumeration
Accurate apoptosis measurement
Annexin V
Antigen loss
Cell fragmentation
Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)
Barcenilla, Hugo,1978-
Prieto, Alfredo
Monserrat, Jorge
Alvarez-Mon, Melchor
Sammanhörande titlar
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Apoptosis and cancer