Mind in motion : how action shapes thought / Barbara Tversky.
Tversky, Barbara Gans (författare)
- ISBN 9780465093069
- First edition.
- Publicerad: New York, NY : Basic Books, 2019
- Copyright: ©2019
- Engelska viii, 375 pages
- Prologue : Moving in space : the foundation of thought -- The world in the mind -- The space of the body : space is for action -- The bubble around the body : people, places, and things -- Here and now and there and then : the spaces around us -- Transforming thought -- The mind in the world -- The body speaks a different language -- Points, lines, and perspective : space in talk and thought -- Boxes, lines, and trees : talk and thought about almost everything else -- Spaces we create : maps, diagrams, sketches, explanations, comics -- Conversations with a page : design, science, and art -- The world is a diagram -- The nine laws of cognition -- Figure credits -- Bibliographic notes -- Index.
- "An eminent psychologist offers a major new theory of human cognition: movement, not language, is the foundation of thought."--Publisher.
- Tänkande (sao)
- Tid och rum (sao)
- Kognition (sao)
- Thought and thinking. (LCSH)
- Intellect. (LCSH)
- Space. (LCSH)
- Cognition. (LCSH)
- Cognition. (fast)
- Intellect. (fast)
- Space. (fast)
- Thought and thinking. (fast)
- Cognition (LCSH)
- Space and time (LCSH)
- Thought and thinking (LCSH)
- BF441 (LCC)
- 153.4 (DDC)
- Doeba (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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