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The Cambridge handbook of instructional feedback / edited by Anastasiya A. Lipnevich, Jeffrey K. Smith.

  • BokEngelska2018

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • Publicerad:Cambridge ;Publicerad:New York, NY :Publicerad:Cambridge University Press,Publicerad:2018
  • xxvii, 622 sidorillustrationer
  • texttxtrdacontent
  • unmediatednrdamedia
  • volumencrdacarrier


  • LIBRIS-ID:r170s2dxpbgw03r1
  • ISBN:9781316631317
  • ISBN:9781107179394

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska



  • Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • Feedback : at the heart of, but definitely not all of, formative assessment / Dylan Wiliam -- Becoming proficient : an alternative perspective on the role of feedback / Gordon Stobart -- Summative and formative feedback / Susan M. Brookhart -- Toward a taxonomy of written feedback messages / Jacqui Murray, N. Ruth Gasson, and Jeffrey K. Smith -- Methods in feedback research / Gavin T. L. Brown and Lois R. Harris -- Assessment feedback in primary schools in Singapore and beyond / Kelvin H.K. Tan and Hwei Ming Wong -- Instructional feedback in writing / Steve Graham -- Instructional feedback in mathematics / Marian Small and Amy Lin -- Looking closely at mathematics and science classroom feedback practices : examining artifacts, studentsʹ products and teachersʹ communications in math and science / Maria Araceli Ruiz-Primo and Heidi Kroog -- Instructional feedback in music / Kelly Parkes -- Feedback and noncognitive skills : from working hypotheses to theory-driven recommendations for practice / Dana Murano, Jonathan E. Martin, Jeremy Burrus, & Richard D. Roberts -- Feedback in tertiary education : challenges and opportunities for enhancing current practices / Jacques van der Meer and Phillip Dawson -- Instructional feedback in medical education / Joan Sargeant and Christopher Watling -- The 360-degree feedback at workplace : a transformative learning perspective / Vidya S. Athota and Ashish Malik -- Technology-enhanced feedback / Cassim Munshi and Christopher Deneen -- Feedback and game design / Bruce Homer and Teresa Ober -- Feedback in the context of self-assessment / Heidi L. Andrade -- Providing formative peer feedback : what do we know? / Ernesto Panadero, Anders Jonsson, and Maryam Alqassab -- Feedback, correctives, and the use of pre-assessments / Thomas R. Guskey -- Teacher expectations and feedback practices in South African schools / Anil Kanjee -- Interactive assessment : cultural perspectives and practices in the nexus of "heart or mind" / Masahiro Arimoto and Ian Clark -- Instructional feedback in animals / Allison B. Kaufman and Michele M. Pagel -- The emotional dynamics of feedback from the studentʹs point of view / Rick Stiggins -- Facilitating studentsʹ active engagement with feedback / Anders Jönsson and Ernesto Panadero -- Performance feedback and emotions / Thomas Goetz, Anastasiya A. Lipnevich, Maike Krannich, and Katarzyna Gogol -- The relationship between creativity and feedback / Molly Holinger and James C. Kaufman -- Instructional feedback : analysis, synthesis, and extrapolation / Jeffrey K. Smith and Anastasiya Lipnevich.
  • "'Feedback, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish a person's growth without destroying the roots.' This quote (modified from the original by Frank A. Clark) is a simple reminder that feedback can be helpful or not, assume a variety of forms, be provided at different times, and have diverse effects on different people. But what if there were a drought (no rain, no feedback)? Consider the following two questions: If a tree falls in the woods and nobody's around to hear it--does it make a noise? If a teacher instructs some content or skill and doesn't assess and support learning--can students deeply learn? In both cases, the answer is no. So feedback is really important--not just for learning new things, but pretty much across all of life. There are countless examples of feedback in nature--with both positive and negative functions. For example, our hypothalamus reacts to changes in temperature and responds appropriately. If the temperature drops, we shiver to bring up the temperature; and if it's too hot, we sweat to cool down via evaporation. Predator-prey relations in nature are also well-known examples of feedback loops, as is climate change. The key difference between positive and negative feedback is their response to change--positive feedback enlarges change while negative feedback reduces change"--Provided by publisher.

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Lipnevich, Anastasiya A. (redaktör/utgivare)
  • Smith, Jeffrey K. (redaktör/utgivare)

Länkade data-URI:er (test)

  • (Återkoppling (psykologi) sao)
  • (Undervisning sao)
  • (DLC)sh 85133052 (Teaching)
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