Lundström, Catrin,1970-
The modern history of Swedish whiteness and Swedish race relations / Catrin Lundström, Tobias Hübinette.
- E-artikel/E-kapitelEngelska2023
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Kompletterande språkuppgifter
The chapter presents a historicised analysis and chronological outline of the modern history of hegemonic whiteness in Sweden. This analysis provides an overall framework for the present book by forming a critical account of how Swedish race relations have evolved over time within the last century. We divide the modern history of whiteness in Sweden into three periods, which can also be thought of as phases or regimes, of hegemonic whiteness, each characterised by a number of specific tendencies, developments and confluences. Firstly, we describe the white purity period of white homogeneous Sweden, 1905–1968, most notably characterised by the foundation of the State Institute for Race Biology. Secondly, we describe the white solidarity period of white progressive Sweden,1968–2001, during which period Swedish colourblindness emerged and grew into dominance, culminating in the elimination of the word race from public life. Thirdly, we outline the white melancholy period of a white nation in crisis from 2001 and onwards as a time characterised by a sense of things falling apart, including both white homogenous Sweden and white progressive Sweden.
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Hübinette, Tobias,1971-
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Ingår i:Race in SwedenSidorna 12-3297810008855389781003345763
Länkade data-URI:er (test)
- https://libris.kb.se/vs69fdtd49dhjll#it (Lundström, Catrin, 1970- aut)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Rasism (Rasism sao)
- https://libris.kb.se/dbqswpbx034p3ft#it (Hübinette, Tobias, 1971- aut)
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Race in Sweden