Gustafsson, Henrik
Cognitive behavioural therapy in performance enhancement : using exposure and behavioral experiments with elite athletes /Henrik Gustafsson, Carolina Lundqvist.
- E-artikel/E-kapitelEngelska2020
Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...
online resourcecrrdacarrier
Kompletterande språkuppgifter
In sport psychology, the roots of mental skills training and performance enhancement strategies have been heavily influenced by the cognitive branch of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Some of the traditional methods in CBT, such as exposure and behavioural experiments, have not gained much attention despite strong research evidence of their effectiveness. This chapter will describe how exposure and behavioural experiments can be useful in working with performance enhancement in Olympic level athletes. Common procedures are outlined and lessons learned from the elite sport context are provided.
Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar
Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)
Lundqvist, Carolina,1977-
Sammanhörande titlar
Ingår i:Applied sport, exercise, and performance psychologySidorna 113-12897804295037020429503709978042999469204299946999780429994708042999470297804299946850429994680
Länkade data-URI:er (test)
- https://id.kb.se/term/sao/Idrottspsykologi (Idrottspsykologi sao)
- https://libris.kb.se/0xbfjmjj12wfcs0#it (Lundqvist, Carolina, 1977- aut)
Ingår i annan publikation. Gå till titeln
Applied sport, exercise, and performance psychology