Bodies in interaction, bodies for interaction : discursive psychology as an approach to embodiment / Sally Wiggins, Karin Osvaldsson Cromdal.
- Wiggins Young, Sally, 1975- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Wiggins, Sally, 1975-
- Osvaldsson Cromdal, Karin, 1965- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Osvaldsson, Karin, 1965-
Alternativt namn: Cromdal, Karin Osvaldsson, 1965-
- Publicerad: 2020
- Engelska.
Ingår i: Discursive Psychology and Embodiment. - 9783030537098 - 3030537099 ; Sidorna 1-31
- Discursive psychology has, over the past 30 years, developed a coherent analytical approach to psychology and discursive practices. This field has neglected, however, the importance of bodies in, and bodies for, interaction. In this chapter we provide an overview of discursive psychology theory, subject-object distinctions, and the turns to language and embodiment across the social sciences. We describe the chapters in this collected volume and their contribution to the theoretical and analytical development of discursive psychology in relation to matters of embodiment. In sum, we argue that psychology should be re-specified as embodied rather than primarily cognitive, that the psychological thesaurus should include non-lexical and embodied resources, and that the body can in and of itself be a means through which psychological business is managed.
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Bodies
- Discursive psychology
- Embodiment
- Epistemology
- Subject-object
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Discursive Psychology and Embodiment