The law of political economy. [Elektronisk resurs] : transformations in the function of law / edited by Poul F. Kjaer.
Kjaer, Poul F. (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9781108675635
- Publicerad: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020
- Engelska Online (xiii, 408 sidor)
- The Law of Political Economy : An Introduction / Poul F. Kjaer -- The Legal Proprium of the Economic Constitution / Christian Joerges and Michelle Everson -- The Myth of Democratic Governance / Emilios Christodoulidis -- A Political Economy of Contemporary Legality / Duncan Kennedy -- Law in Global Political Economy : Now you See it, Now you Don't / David Kennedy -- Law of Natural Resource Extraction and Money as Key to Understanding Global Political Economy and Potential for its Transformation / Isabel Feichtner -- "Social Nature" : Political Economy, Science, and Law in the Anthropocene / Jaye Ellis -- The Transformative Politics of European Private Law / Hans W. Micklitz -- Socio-Economic Imaginaries and European Private Law / Marija Bartl -- The Transformative Socio-Economic Effects of EU Competition Law : From Producerism to Consumerism / Jotte Mulder -- On the Vanishing Functional Autonomy of European Labour Law (and some Dangerous Counter-movements) / Stefano Giubboni -- The Future of Law : "Serial Law"? / Karl-Heinz Ladeur -- After Governance? : The Idea of a Private Administrative Law / Rodrigo Vallejo -- The Transnational Dimension of Constitutional Rights : Framing and Taming "Private" Governance Beyond the State / Lars Viellechner -- Counter-Rights : On the Trans-subjective Potential of Subjective Rights / Gunther Teubner.
- Rättsekonomi -- politiska aspekter (sao)
- 343.07 (DDC)
- Oeal (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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