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Sökning: onr:dn42vdtvbrrtgrcn > How the brain learns /

How the brain learns / David A. Sousa.

Sousa, David A. (författare)
ISBN 9781506346304
Fifth edition
Publicerad: Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, [2017]
Engelska 377 sidor
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Basic brain facts -- How the brain processes information -- Memory, retention, and learning -- The power of transfer -- Brain organization and learning -- The brain and the arts -- Thinking skills and learning -- Putting it all together.
  • Introduction : Looking inside the brain ; Implications for teaching ; Why this book can help improve teaching and learning; Whats coming up -- 1. Basic brain facts : Some exterior parts of the brain ; Some interior parts of the brain ; Neuron development in children ; The brain as a novelty seeker; Whats coming up -- 2. How the brain processes information : The information processing model -- 3. Memory, retention, and learning : How memory forms ; Stages and types of memory ; Learning and retention ; Factors affecting retention of learning ; Learning motor skills ; Daily biological rhythms affect teaching and learning ; Intelligence and retrieval; Whats coming up -- 4. The power of transfer : What is transfer? ; Teaching for transfer; Additional thoughts about transfer; Whats coming up -- 5. Brain organization and learning : Brain lateralization ; Spoken language specialization ; Learning to read; Learning mathematics; Difficulties in learning mathematics; Mathematics for English language learners; Whats coming up -- 6. The brain and the arts : The arts are basic to the human experience ; Why teach the arts? ; Impact of the arts on student learning and behavior ; Music ; The visual arts ; Movement; Whats coming up -- 7. Thinking skills and learning : Characteristics of human thinking ; The dimensions of human thinking ; Revisiting Bloom's taxonomy of the cognitive domain ; Other thinking skills programs; Whats coming up -- 8. Putting it all together : Students should know how their brains learn; What about the flipped classroom; Daily planning ; Unit planning ; Maintaining skills for the future; Conclusion.
  • The fifth edition includes new information on memory systems, especially working memory capacity; updated research on how the explosion of technology is affecting the brain; current finding on brain organization and learning, and revised sections on hemispheric specialization; new evidence on how learning the arts enhances cognitive processing and creativity. Includes an expanded resources section and more than 150 new or updated references. 


Kunskapshantering  (sao)
Hjärna  (sao)
Neurologi  (sao)
Inlärningspsykologi  (sao)
Learning, Psychology of.  (LCSH)
Brain.  (LCSH)
Learning  -- Physiological aspects. (LCSH)
Brain.  (fast)
Learning, Psychology of.  (fast)
Learning  -- Physiological aspects. (fast)
Brain  (LCSH)
Learning, Psychology of  (LCSH)
Neurology  (LCSH)
Knowledge management  (LCSH)

Indexterm och SAB-rubrik

Doeaa Inlärning
Vef Nervsystemet (neurologi)


LB1051 (LCC)
370.15/23 (DDC)
Doeaa (kssb/8)
Vef (kssb/8)
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