Encyclopedia of global environmental governance and politics / edited by Philipp H. Pattberg, Professor, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Fariborz Zelli, Associate Professor, Lund University, Sweden.
Pattberg, Philipp H., 1975- (creator_code:edc_t)
Zelli, Fariborz (creator_code:edc_t)
Edward Elgar Publishing.
- ISBN 9781788111232
- Publicerad: Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar, 2017
- Copyright: ©2015
- Engelska xxxi, 563 pages
- Part 1 CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS -- 1. Anthropocene and planetary boundaries / Victor Galaz -- 2. Consumerism / Jane Lister -- 3. Earth system governance / Frank Biermann -- 4. Environment and nature / Paul Wapner -- 5. Global environmental governance / Philip Pattberg and Oscar Widerberg -- 6. Inclusive development / Joyeeta Gupta, Vincent Cornelissen and Mirjam A.F. Ros-Tonen -- 7. Liberal environmentalism and governance norms / Steven Bernstein -- 8. Risk / Ortwin Renn -- 9. Sustainable development / Joyeeta Gupta and Isa Baud -- part II THEORIES AND METHODS -- 10. Constructivism and sociological institutionalism / Gerry Nagtzaam -- 11. Cost-benefit analysis / Simon Dietz -- 12. Deep ecology / Kate Booth -- 13. Deliberative policy analysis / Hayley Stevenson -- 14. Feminism / Annica Kronsell -- 15. Governmentality / Delf Rothe -- 16. Integrated assessment modeling / Detlef van Vuuren and Marcel Kok -- 17. Neo-Gramscianism / Chukwumerije Okereke -- 18. Neoliberal institutionalism / Thijs Van de Graaf -- 19. Qualitative comparative analysis / Olav Schram Stokke and Arild Underdal.
- Note continued: 20. Quantitative comparative analysis / Sijeong Lim and Aseem Prakash -- 21. Simulations / Walter F. Baber and Robert V. Bartlett -- 22. Teaching global environmental governance / Maria Ivanova -- 23. World society / David John Frank, Ann Hironaka and Evan Schofer -- pt. III ACTORS -- 24. Civil society / Karin Bäckstrand -- 25. European Union / Camilla Adelle, David Benson and Andrew Jordan -- 26. Individuals / Tom Oliver -- 27. International bureaucracies / Bernd Siebenhüner -- 28. Media / Marija Isailovic -- 29. Private sector / Jonatan Pinkse -- 30. Religious movements / Randolph Haluza-DeLay -- 31. Scientists and experts / Silke Beck -- 32. States / Daniel Compagnon -- 33. United Nations / Liiana Andonova and Kathryn Chelminski -- pt. IV INSTITUTIONS -- 34. Clubs / Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen -- 35. International organizations / Steffen Bauer -- 36. Mega-conferences / Sander Chan -- 37. Private environmental governance / Philipp Pattberg and Marija Isailovic -- 38. Public-private partnerships / Ayşem Mert -- 39. Regimes / Eleni Dellas -- pt. V ISSUE AREAS -- 40. Air pollution / Jørgen Wettestad.
- Note continued: 41. Arctic / Oscar Widerberg -- 42. Biological diversity / Kristin Rosendal and Morten Walløe Tvedt -- 43. Biosafety and genetically modified organisms / Aarti Gupta -- 44. Chemicals / Nils Simon -- 45. Climate change / Pier Vellinga -- 46. Desertification / Steffen Bauer -- 47. Fisheries and whaling / Olav Schram Stokke -- 48. Forestry / Tobias Nielsen -- 49. Hazardous waste / Katja Biedenkopf -- 50. Ocean space / Jan Stel -- 51. Ozone depletion / Sophie Godin-Beekmann -- 52. Phosphorus / Dana Cordell and Stuart White -- 53. Renewable energy / Kacper Szulecki -- 54. Water / Erika Weinthal -- 55. Wetlands / Kenneth Genskow and Kyle Magyera -- pt. VI CROSS-CUTTING QUESTIONS AND EMERGING TOPICS -- 56. Effectiveness / Steinar Andresen -- 57. Environmental policy diffusion / Per-Olof Busch -- 58. Environmental policy integration / Camilla Adelle and Mans Nilsson -- 59. Green economy / Ulrich Brand and Miriam Lang -- 60. Institutional fragmentation / Fariborz Zelli -- 61. Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals / Marianne Beisheim.
- Note continued: 62. Orchestration / Kenneth W. Abbott -- pt. VII BORDERS AND INTERLINKAGES -- 63. Agriculture / Dominic Moran -- 64. Food / Jennifer Clapp -- 65. Health / Kristina Jönsson -- 66. Poverty / Anne Jerneck and Lennart Olsson -- 67. Security / Rita Floyd -- 68. Trade / Robyn Eckersley.
- Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, the Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Governance and Politics is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in the governance and politics of the environment, particularly students, teachers and researchers.. This comprehensive reference work, written by some of the most eminent academics in the field, contains entries on numerous aspects of global environmental governance and politics, including concepts and definitions; theories and methods; actors; institutions; issue-areas; cross-cutting questions; and overlaps with non-environmental fields.--
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