Contemporary issues in marketing : principles & practice / edited by Ayantunji Gbadamosi.
Gbadamosi, Ayantunji (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9781526478863
- Publicerad: Los Angeles : SAGE, 2019
- Copyright: ©2019
- Engelska xviii, 462 pages
- Part I. Introducing contemporary marketing. Marketing: the paradigm shift / Ayantunji Gbadamosi -- Contemporary global marketing / Zubin Sethna, Rebecca Fakoussa and Geraint Evans -- Contemporary marketing research / David James Bamber and Christopher John Bamber -- Neuromarketing / Nashaat H. Hussein -- Part II. Exploring meanings in contemporary consumption. The contemporary consumer / Ayantunji Gbadamosi and Adya Sharma -- Brands, branding and brand culture / Aidan Kelly -- Marketing ethics, green and sustainable marketing / Ayantunji Gbadamosi -- Part III. Technology, business and contemporary marketing. Digital and social media marketing / Vishwas Maheshwari, Paul Dobson and Angela Lawrence -- Entrepreneurial and SME marketing / Yiwen (Evie) Hong and Hsiao-Pei (Sophie) Yang -- Business-to-business (B2B) marketing / Ejindu Iwelu MacDonald Morah -- Part IV. Marketing non-conventional market offerings. Social and non-profit marketing / Nayyer Samad -- Nation branding and place marketing / Rula M. Al Abdulrazak -- Arts marketing / Nnamdi O. Madichie -- Religion and consumer behavior / Richard Shambare and Gift Donga.
- As the landscape of marketing knowledge changes, contemporary buyers, be it individuals or organizations are now more informed, more demanding and crave value co-creation with marketers. This, coupled with technological and socio-cultural changes, provides robust evidence that the old perspectives, assumptions, and practices of marketing are no longer satisfactory. Contemporary Issues in Marketing is a comprehensive, up-to-date, and cutting edge resource that presents a coherent understanding of topical issues in marketing. Bringing together theory and practitioners' perspectives, it firmly addresses the prevailing challenges in the marketing world. Using vignettes on topics such as technology, ethics and practitioner viewpoints, this book explores the paradigm shift in marketing and developments in thoughts throughout the discipline
- Marketing. (LCSH)
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