The Toyota way : 14 management principles from the world's greatest manufacturer / Jeffrey K. Liker.
Liker, Jeffrey K. (författare)
- ISBN 0071392319
- Publicerad: New York : McGraw-Hill, cop. 2004
- Engelska 330 s.
- The Toyota way : using operational excellence as a strategic weapon -- How Toyota became the world's best manufacturer : the story of the Toyoda family and the Toyota production system -- The heart of the Toyota production system : eliminating waste -- The 14 principles of the Toyota way : an executive summary of the culture behind TPS -- The Toyota way in action : the "no compromises" development of Lexus -- The Toyota way in action : new century, new fuel, new design process : Prius -- Principle 1 : base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals -- Principle 2 : create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface -- Principle 3 : use "pull" systems to avoid overproduction -- Principle 4 : level out the workload (heijunka) -- Principle 5 : build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time -- Principle 6 : standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment -- Principle 7 : use visual control so no problems are hidden -- Principle 8 : use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes -- Principle 9 : grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others -- Principle 10 : develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy -- Principle 11 : respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve -- Principle 12 : go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (genchi genbutsu) -- Principle 13 : make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly -- Principle 14 : become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen) -- Using the Toyota way to transform technical and service organizations -- Build your own lean learning enterprise, borrowing from the Toyota way.
- Describes the management principles of Lean production that are employed by Toyota.
- Driftsorganisation (sao)
- Industriell organisation (sao)
- Industrial productivity (LCSH)
- Industrial management (LCSH)
- Production management -- Case studies (LCSH)
- Corporate culture -- History (LCSH)
- Organizational innovation (MeSH)
- Efficiency, organizational (MeSH)
- Quality control (MeSH)
- Task performance and analysis (MeSH)
- Staff development (MeSH)
- Industry -- organization & administration (MeSH)
- Workplace -- organization & administration (MeSH)
- Lean production (shbe)
- Japanese way (shbe)
- Bilindustri (albt)
- Arbetsorganisation (albt)
- Lean production (albt)
- Japan (albt)
- Production management (albt)
- Industrial productivity (albt)
- Corporate culture (albt)
- Industrial management (albt)
- Driftsorganisation (albt)
- Industriell organisation (albt)
- Lean production (albt)
- Japanese way (albt)
- Car industry (albt)
- Bilindustri (albt)
- Arbetsorganisation (albt)
- Lean production (albt)
- Japan (albt)
- Industrial organization (LCSH)
- Japan (MeSH)
- Toyota Motor Corporation
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Qbi Driftsorganisation
- Qbaab Organisationslära
- 658.5 (UDK)
- 65.012.2 (UDK)
- 629.11 (UDK)
- 658.5 (DDC)
- Qbi (kssb/7)
- Qbaab (kssb/7)
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