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Identity and History in Non-Anglophone Comics / edited by Harriet E.H. Earle and Martin Lund.

Earle, Harriet E. H. (redaktör/utgivare)
Lund, Martin, 1984- (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9781003386841
Publicerad: Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, 2023
Engelska 1 online resource (300 pages)
Serie: Global perspectives in comics studies
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Part 1 Identities -- Chapter 2 Outwitting the Flemish Past -- Chapter 3 Displacement, Space, and Questions of Belonging -- Chapter 4 Visual Aspects of Modern Greek Identity -- Chapter 5 Mexico's Conquest, Independence, andRevolution Accordingto Rius -- Part 2 Radicalisms -- Socialist Swedish Comics -- Chapter 7 Abandoning Ideals and Producing Graphic Disillusionment in Suomen suurin kommunisti -- Chapter 8 Capitalism, Freedom, Future -- Chapter 9 Dissent and Resistance in Contemporary Portuguese Comics -- Part 3 Genders -- Chapter 10 How to Discuss Sexual Identity, Minority Rights, and Society in Chile? -- Chapter 11 Questioning the Inescapable Male Gaze in Altarriba and Kim's El arte de volar and El ala rota -- Chapter 12 The Pirate, the Queen, and the Handkerchief -- Part 4 Historiographics -- Chapter 13 Expressions of Subjectivity -- Chapter 14 Punťa the Dog Goes to the Second Italo–Abyssinian War. 
  • This book explores the historical and cultural significance of comics in languages other than English, examining the geographic and linguistic spheres which these comics inhabit and their contributions to comic studies and academia.??The volume brings together texts across a wide range of genres, styles, and geographic locations, including the Netherlands, Colombia, Greece, Mexico, Poland, Finland, Portugal, Ireland, and the Czech Republic, among others. These works have remained out of reach for speakers of languages other than the original and do not receive the scholarly attention they deserve due to their lack of English translations. This book highlights the richness and diversity these works add to the corpus of comic art and comic studies that Anglophone comics scholars can access to broaden the collective perspective of the field and forge links across regions, genres, and comic traditions.??Part of the Global Perspectives in Comics Studies series, this volume spans continents and languages. It will be of interest to researchers and students of comics studies, literature, cultural studies, popular culture, art and design, illustration, history, film studies, and sociology. 


Identitet (filosofi) i litteraturen  (sao)
Tecknade serier  -- historia (sao)
Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature.  (LCSH)
History in literature.  (LCSH)
Comic books, strips, etc.  -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Comic books, strips, etc.  (fast)
History in literature.  (fast)
Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature.  (fast)
Identity (Philosophical concept) in literature  (LCSH)


Analys och tolkning  (saogf)
Criticism, interpretation, etc.  (fast)


741.59 (DDC)
G.05 (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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Lund, Martin, 1984-
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