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Hedenus, Fredrik: Hållbar utveckling

Sustainable development : nuances and perspectives / Fredrik Hedenus, Martin Persson, Frances Sprei ; translated by Paulina Essinger.

Hedenus, Fredrik, 1976- (författare)
Persson, U. Martin, 1976- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Persson, Martin, 1976-
Sprei, Frances, 1977- (författare)
ISBN 9789144129068
First edition
Publicerad: Lund : Studentlitteratur, [2018]
Engelska 140 sidor
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Sustainable development: Through the lens of environmental history -- Sustainable development: Definition and interpretations -- Strong and weak sustainability -- Sustainable development from an ethical point of view -- The many faces of sustainability -- Sustainability in practice -- Sustainable development: A professional responsibility?. 
  • The concept of sustainability is used in an ever-growing number of contexts—and seems to be able to refer to just about anything and everything. But what does “sustainable development” actually mean? This book offers an introduction to the concept—in all its nuances and interpretations. Starting with the historical process that led to the Brundtland Report and the Rio Summit, the authors describe the idea of sustainable development and the main distinctions among the different understandings of the concept. The book also discusses examples of concrete work on sustainable development and the ways in which we may be responsible for dealing with sustainable development in our professional lives. The book offers an appreciation of the diversity of existing perspectives on sustainable development and raises the issue of what sustainable development demands of us—as individuals and as a society. Sustainable Development—Nuances and Perspectives is written for the reader who is curious about the concept of sustainable development and is looking for a thorough exploration of what it means. 


Hållbar utveckling  (sao)
Sustainable development  (LCSH)
Sustainable development  (LCSH)


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