Sökning: onr:8382644 > Det amerikanska fol...
Zinn, Howard: A people's history of the United States
Engelska (14) Svenska (3) Spanska (1)
Titel | Upplaga | År | Materialtyp | Hitta |
Det amerikanska folkets historia : makten och medborg... | [Ny utg.] | 2004 | 9 bibl. | |
Det amerikanska folkets historia : makten och medborg... | 1999 | 32 bibl. | ||
Det amerikanska folkets historia : makten och medborg... | 1999 | 12 bibl. |
Titel | Upplaga | År | Materialtyp | Hitta |
A people's history of the United States / Howard Zinn... | [Revised... | 2015 | 5 bibl. | |
A people's history of the United States / Howard Zinn... | 2005[2003] | 2 bibl. | ||
A people's history of the United States : 1492-presen... | Rev. and... | 2003 | 3 bibl. | |
A people's history of the United States / Howard Zinn... | Abridged... | 2003 | 1 bibl. | |
A people's history of the United States : 1492-presen... | [New ed.]. | 2003 | 1 bibl. | |
A people's history of the United States : 1492 - pres... | 1. Peren... | 2001 | 1 bibl. | |
A people's history of the United States : 1492-presen... | 20th ann... | 1999 | 1 bibl. | |
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Titel | Upplaga | År | Materialtyp | Hitta |
La otra historia de los Estados Unidos [Texto impreso... | Ed. rev.... | 2005 | 2 bibl. |
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