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Research handbook on boards of directors / edited by Jonas Gabrielsson, Wafa Khlif, Sibel Yamak.

  • BokEngelska2019

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • Publicerad:Cheltenham :Publicerad:Edward Elgar,Publicerad:[2019]
  • Copyright:©2019
  • xvi, 472 sidor
  • texttxtrdacontent
  • unmediatednrdamedia
  • volumencrdacarrier


  • LIBRIS-ID:7jsj4m315bm8g823
  • ISBN:9781786439741
  • Ogiltigt nummer / annan version:9781786439758 (E-bok)

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska



  • Introduction -- 1. "when in Rome, do as the Romans do"? A call for more context sensitive research on boards of directors / Jonas Gabrielsson, Wafa Khlif and Sibel Yamak -- Part I: The inside -- Board behaviour and performance -- 2. Board informal hierarchy and board performance / Dennis B. Veltrop and Eric Molleman -- 3. Dealing with strategic tensions on the board: The role of the chair in fostering engagement and debate / Filipe Morais, Andrew Kakabadse and Nada K. Kakabadse -- 4. The determinants of trust in the boardroom / Michael A. Ogunseyin, Stuart S. Farquhar and Silke Machold -- 5. Narcissism: A covert threat to functional board dynamics / Joanna Pousset -- 6. Opening the black box of boards of directors: Taking stock of recent studies on board dynamics / Alessandro Zattoni and Amedeo Pugliese -- Boards in family firms -- 7. Family directors monitoring non-family managers: The impact of family representation in the board of directors on ceo replacement decisions after poor performance / Daniel Pittino and Francesca Visintin -- 8. Analysing the board of directors in family firms: An integrated framework for future research directions / Alessandro Cirillo and Donata Mussolino -- Part II: The outside -- Re-visiting the concept of independence -- 9. Independent directors: Experience and value in contrasting economic contexts / Philippa Wells, Abdul Moyeen and Coral Ingley -- 10. The management of independent directors: A praxis hypothesis / Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin and Elin Smith -- Interconnections and impacts -- 11. Board of directors: Building relationships with non-shareholder stakeholders / Monique Cikaliuk, Ljiljana Erakovic, Brad Jackson, Chris Noonan and Susan Watson -- 12. The changing role of the chairperson of the board: An analysis of business press articles in UK, USA and Germany / Alexander Meineke, Karin Hellerstedt and Mattias Nordqvist -- 13. Multiple board memberships and the inner circle in family business groups / Behlül Usdiken and Özlem Yildirim-Öktem -- 14. The effect of the Introduction of the gender quota regulation among public limited companies' boards in norway: Taking stock, looking ahead / Eskil Goldeng, Alessandra Rigolini and Patricia Gabaldon -- Part III: The environments -- National contexts -- 15. Governance research and practice in the 21st century: Taking stock of board reforms / Marta A. Geletkanycz and Brian K. Boyd -- 16. Institutions, governance, and strategy in a changing global landscape: The case of boards of directors in large listed firms in France / Nikolaos Kavadis and Xavier Castañer -- 17. Board of directors within African contexts: Current perspectives and key directions for future research / Konan Anderson Seny Kan -- 18. Roles and tasks of German supervisory boards: An exploratory view / Thomas Steger and Steffen Jahn -- Global trends -- 19. Corporate governance and climate change: The new zeitgeist of sustainability for boards of directors / Thomas Clarke -- 20. Digitalisation and the role of the board / Linda Baines, Vadim Grinevich and Mine Karatas-Ozkan -- 21. On value and value creation: Perspectives from board research and practice in smes / Daniel Yar Hamidi -- 22. Rethinking boards and governance in the digital era: Implications for practice and research / Alessandra Rigolini, Jonas Gabrielsson, Mirian Izquierdo Barriuso and Morten Huse -- Index
  • Boards of directors are complex systems, and it is imperative to understand what the contextual forces are that shape the direction and make-up of boards. This Research Handbook provides inspiration for researchers and practitioners interested in the manifold dimensions and facets of context surrounding boards of directors

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Gabrielsson, Jonas,1975- (redaktör/utgivare)
  • Khlif, Wafa (redaktör/utgivare)
  • Yamak, Sibel (redaktör/utgivare)

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