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Creating augmented and virtual realities : theory and practice for next-generation spatial computing / edited by Erin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth Mohan.

Pangilinan, Erin (redaktör/utgivare)
Lukas, Steve (redaktör/utgivare)
Mohan, Vasanth (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9781492044192
First edition.
Publicerad: Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly Media, [2019]
Copyright: ©2019
Engelska xxvi, 340 pages
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Part I. Design and art across digital realities: How humans interact with computers ; Designing for our senses, not our devices -- Part II. How eXtended reality is changing digital art: Virtual reality for art ; 3D art optimization -- Part III. Hardware, SLAM, tracking: How the computer vision that makes augmented reality possible works -- Part IV. Creating cross-platform augmented reality and virtual reality: Virtual reality and augmented reality : cross-platform theory ; Virtual reality toolkit : open source framework for the community ; Three virtual reality and augmented reality development best practices -- Part V. Enhancing data representation: Data and machine learning visualization design and development in spatial computing ; Character AI and behaviors -- Part VI. Use cases in embodied reality: The virtual and augmented reality health technology ecosystem ; The fan experience : sportsXR ; Virtual reality enterprise training use cases.
  • Despite popular forays into augmented and virtual reality in recent years, spatial computing still sits on the cusp of mainstream use. Developers, artists, and designers looking to enter this field today have few places to turn for expert guidance. In this book, Erin Pangilinan, Steve Lukas, and Vasanth Mohan examine the AR and VR development pipeline and provide hands-on practice to help you hone your skills. Through step-by-step tutorials, you'll learn how to build practical applications and experiences grounded in theory and backed by industry use cases. In each section of the book, industry specialists, including Timoni West, Victor Prisacariu, and Nicolas Meuleau, join the authors to explain the technology behind spatial computing. --Publisher 


Virtuell verklighet  (sao)
Augmented reality.  (LCSH)
Virtual reality.  (LCSH)
Virtual reality  (LCSH)


QA76.9.A94 (LCC)
006.8 (DDC)
Pu (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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