Motor control : translating research into clinical practice / Anne Shumway-Cook, Marjorie H. Woollacott, Jaya Rachwani, Victor Santamaria.
- Shumway-Cook, Anne (författare)
Alternativt namn: Cook, Anne Shumway
Woollacott, Marjorie H., 1946- (författare)
Rachwani, Jaya (författare)
Santamaria, Victor (författare)
- ISBN 9781975158309
- Sixth edition
- Publicerad: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, [2023]
- Copyright: ©2023
- Engelska xviii, 718 pages
- In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on evidence-based clinical practice, which is characterized by the integration of the best available research with expert clinical judgement and patient preferences regarding assessment and treatment of motor control problems. However, the integration of research into clinical practice is easier said than done. The explosion of new research in the field of neuroscience and motor control has created an ever-widening gap between research and clinical practice. This book is dedicated to reducing this gap by reviewing current research in the area of motor control and exploring the translation of this research into best clinical practices.
- Fysioterapi (sao)
- Motorisk utveckling (sao)
- Rörelser (biologi) (sao)
- Rehabilitering (sao)
- Motor ability. (LCSH)
- Motor learning. (LCSH)
- Medical rehabilitation. (LCSH)
- Rehabilitation (MeSH)
- Physical Therapy Modalities (MeSH)
- Motor Skills (MeSH)
- Medical rehabilitation. (fast)
- Motor ability. (fast)
- Motor learning. (fast)
- Physical therapy (LCSH)
- Rehabilitation (LCSH)
- Medical rehabilitation (LCSH)
- Motor learning (LCSH)
- Locomotion (LCSH)
- 612.04 (DDC)
- Vca (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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