Enclosure fire dynamics / Björn Karlsson, James G. Quintiere.
Karlsson, Björn, 1959- (författare)
Quintiere, James G (författare)
- ISBN 0849313007
- Publicerad: Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2000
- Engelska 315 p.
Serie: Environmental and energy engineering series
- Ch. 1. Introduction -- Ch. 2. A Qualitative Description of Enclosure Fires -- Ch. 3. Energy Release Rates -- Ch. 4. Fire Plumes and Flame Heights -- Ch. 5. Pressure Profiles and Vent Flows for Well-Ventilated Enclosures -- Ch. 6. Gas Temperatures in Ventilated Enclosure Fires -- Ch. 7. Heat Transfer in Compartment Fires -- Ch. 8. Conservation Equations and Smoke Filling -- Ch. 9. Combustion Products -- Ch. 10. Computer Modeling of Enclosure Fires -- App. A. Fire Safety Engineering Resources on the Internet -- App. B. Suggestions for Experiments and Computer Labs -- App. C. A Simple User's Guide to CEdit. Index.
- "Enclosure Fire Dynamics provides a complete description of enclosure fires and how the outbreak of a fire in a compartment causes changes in the environment. The authors offer a clear presentation of the dominant mechanisms controlling enclosure fires and develop simple, analytical relationships useful in designing buildings for fire safety. They demonstrate how to derive engineering equations from first principles, stating the assumptions clearly and showing how the resulting equations compare to experimental data." "Enclosure Fire Dynamics will enhance the knowledge of professional fire protection engineers, researchers, and investigators, and help build a strong foundation for engineering students."
- Enclosure fires (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Fire safety engineering
- 693.82 (DDC)
- Ppbcd (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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