Iser, Wolfgang: Der Akt des Lesens
The act of reading : a theory of aesthetic response / by Wolfgang Iser.
Iser, Wolfgang (författare)
- ISBN 0801823714
- Publicerad: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, [1991]
- Copyright: ©1978
- Engelska xii, 239 sidor
- Litteraturupplevelse (sao)
- Litteraturreception (sao)
- Litteraturkritik (sao)
- Litteraturteori (sao)
- Reader-response criticism. (LCSH)
- Literature -- History and criticism -- Theory, etc. (LCSH)
- Literature ¡ Philosophy (LCSH)
- Books and reading (LCSH)
- Criticism (LCSH)
- Literature -- Theory, etc. (LCSH)
- Reader-response criticism (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- G:do Litteraturpsykologi
- 801.95 (DDC)
- G:do (kssb/8)
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Placering: G:d Iser
Placering: (John Hopkins pbk. ed,. 1980. - 7. pr., 1997)
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