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Sökning: onr:4c106r652fs1dng0 > Conflict in the city :

Conflict in the city : contested urban spaces and local democracy / edited by Enrico Gualini, João Morais Mourato, Marco Allegra.

Gualini, Enrico (redaktör/utgivare)
Mourato, João Morais (redaktör/utgivare)
Allegra, Marco, 1979- (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9783868593556
Publicerad: 2015
Publicerad: Berlin : Jovis, 2015.
Engelska 287 pages
  • BokKonferens
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Introduction. Conflict in the city / Enrico Gualini, Marco Allegra and João Morais Mourato -- 1. Theoretical perspectives : policing, contention and insurgent practices. The institutional framework of urban struggles : governance and contention in Santiago de Chile / Sebastián Ibarra González -- Cycles of contention and the planning process : Agonistic pluralism and social mobilization against Stuttgart 21 / Enrico Gualini -- Planning in the face of conflict in un-democratic contexts : lessons from two Sicilian municipalities / Daniela De Leo and Francesco Lo Piccolo -- Under pressure : invited participation amidst planning conflicts / Nazem Tahvilzadeh and Lisa Kings -- Governance-driven conflict : policy, reason of state and authoritarian governmentality / Hendrik Wagenaar -- 2. Experiences : creativity and change in urban mobilization. Spatial conflicts in Catalonia : an overview of social struggles during the last decade / Helena Cruz-Gallach and Liliana Solé-Figueras -- The dark side of a trendy neighborhood : gentrification and dispossession in Russafa, the 'Valencian Soho' / Luis del Romero Renau and Laura Lara Martín -- Fading voices : the increasing weakness of housing mobilizations in Milan / Carolina Pacchi and Eleonora Sartori -- Dereliction, displacement and distress in a disappearing social housing estate / João Queirós -- Born in the blogosphere, staged in the streets : austerity and urban social movements in Lisbon / Margarida Queirós, Ana Rita Roque, Pedro Quintela, Anna Ludovici and Nuno Vitoriano -- Resisting urban heritage redevelopment in Valparaiso, Chile / Alessandra Olivi -- In the name of inclusion : citizenship conflicts in the redevelopment of urban villages in Xian, China / Xiaoqing Zhang -- Cultural centers as mediators of local conflicts : Madrid's co-produced public spaces / Cristina Braschi -- Building network governance : conflict as a driver for policy learning in Portugal / João Morais Mourato, Lia T. Vasconcelos and Helena Farrall.
  • "Conflicts around urban development and planning issues represent an important dimension of urban politics. Issues of social cohesion and democratic representation are all the more relevant in times when cities are undergoing a severe economic crisis and when local politics tends to meet its challenges with 'post-political' responses. The relevance of local conflicts as moments of political mobilization is particularly apparent as institutions and procedures of urban politics fall short of meeting the expectations of local communities." --Cover. 


Stadsplanering  (sao)
Urban politik  (sao)
Kommunal planering  (sao)
Urban renewal.  (LCSH)
Municipal government.  (LCSH)
Political participation.  (LCSH)
Urbanization.  (LCSH)
City planning  -- Citizen participation. (LCSH)
Municipal government.  (fast)
Political participation.  (fast)
Urban renewal.  (fast)
Urbanization.  (fast)
Stadtplanung  (gnd)
Stadtentwicklung  (gnd)
Kommunalpolitik  (gnd)
Sozialer Konflikt  (gnd)
City planning  -- Citizen participation. (fast)
Urban policy  (LCSH)
City planning  (LCSH)


HT170 (LCC)
HT (ämneskategori)
NA (ämneskategori)
307.76 (DDC)
Oabba (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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