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Voices from gender studies : negotiating the terms of academic production, epistemology, and the logics and contents of identity / edited by Edyta Just, Maria Udén, Vera Weetzel and Cecilia Åsberg.

Just, Edyta (redaktör/utgivare)
Udén, Maria, 1961- (redaktör/utgivare)
Weetzel, Vera (redaktör/utgivare)
Åsberg, Cecilia, 1974- (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9781003358794
Publicerad: Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, 2024
Engelska 1 onlineresurs (234 sidor)
Serie: Routledge advances in feminist studies and intersectionality
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Voices, negotiations, and continuous conversations / Maria Uden and Edyta Just -- Finding a unicorn in the woods : the magic of collaborative care and resistance / Emelie Larsson, Karin Larsson Hult, Lisa Ridzen, and Ida Sjoberg -- An embodied reflection of/to/about slow scholarship (or how to practice care and resistance in neoliberal academia) : response to Emelie Larsson, Karin Larsson Hult, Lisa Ridzen, and Ida Sjoberg Domitilla (Domi) Olivieri -- A narrative of writing my doctoral dissertation / Sara (Sarasadat) Khalifeh Soltani -- My awakenings : response to Sara Khalifeh Soltani / Edyta Just -- Drawn to the in-between / Max Metzger -- A weave of care, railway engineering, and physics with feminist technoscience as the weft : response to Max Metzger / Christina Mortberg -- How does trans studies fit the knowledge regime of mode 2 type of research? / France Rose Hartline -- Intervention : response to France Rose Hartline / Tuija Pulkkinen -- Feminist perspectives on researching prisons / Åsa Corneliusson -- Feminist perspectives on researching prisons : response to Asa Corneliusson / Berteke Waaldijk and Angeliki Sifaki -- Diffracting dementia : co-creative experiments with agential realism and multisensoriality in a residential care home in northern Norway / Dragana Lukic and Lilli Mittner -- "Cultivating 'knowing in being'-feminist 'thinking-doings'" : response to Dragana / Lukic and Lilli Mittner, Evelien Geerts -- Invisible womanhood : 4500 BC- 2022 AD / Anastasia Kiourtzoglou -- Different time periods, different locations but the same problem : response to Anastasia Kiourtzoglou / Akosua Keseboa Darkwah -- (De)constructing gender related stereotypes in young generations in times of populisms. A case study / Lorenza Perini -- Travelling together : response to Lorenza Perini / Sveva Magaraggia -- "Don't get all political on me" : on the possibilities of reading bad men after the #MeToo Movement and in the face of feminist and queer theory / Nathalia Saliba Dias -- Undutiful queer/feminist readings of "bad men" fiction : response to Nathalia Saliba Dias / Nina Lykke -- Towards a paradigm for parity and socially sustainable mining in Ghana / Rufai Haruna Kilu -- Researching gender and mining operations in the local community : response to Rufai Haruna Kilu / Maria Udén.
  • "The book is aimed at providing an assertion of Gender Studies as a vital community in our time, united in a commitment to inquiry. It brings forward an interdisciplinary set of early career researchers' accounts of their motives for engaging in Gender Studies and, of the encounters with limitations as well as possibilities they experience on the paths they have chosen. Each chapter is accompanied by a brief response paper where a more senior researcher involves in conversation with respective chapter's content and shares reflections regarding Gender Studies, its integration and developments. The first level corresponds with the significance of research in the field and its transformative power in and, crucially, outside the academia. The second relates to the value of networking and community building for doing research. The book presents Gender Studies in a communicative, open manner that invites the reader to engage in and continue the displayed discussions. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of gender studies, sociology, queer studies, women's studies, trans studies, anthropology, and literary studies"-- 


Könsidentitet  (sao)
Gender identity  -- Research. (LCSH)
Gender identity  -- Study and teaching. (LCSH)
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General 
Gender identity  (LCSH)


Electronic books 


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