Axelsson, Bodil,1965-(författare)
Johanna, Moa and i'm every lesbian : gender, sexuality and class in Norrköping's industrial landscape /Bodil Axelsson and David Ludvigsson
- Artikel/kapitelEngelska2018
In this chapter, we use the competing narratives and performances of four guided walks as the basis for a discussion of heritage in the intersection of gender, sexuality and class in the urban landscape of Norrköping, Sweden. Three of the walks focus on the life of straight, white, working-class women, while one offers a lesbian narrative thus disrupting the other walks. All the walks dealt with are part of recent projects to render female experiences visible so as to connect to current agendas and include them in the heritage for the future. They also testify to the difficulties of incorporating social complexity and intersectionality in heritage productions such as city walks.
Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar
Cultural heritageGenderPerformativityNorrköpingGuided walkCity walkLesbianHistorical cultureWorking classSofia HultinMoa MartinsonLGBTQKulturarvIndustriarvGuideStadsvandringGenusPerformansArbetarklassHistoriekulturHBTQ
Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)
Ludvigsson, David,1971-(författare)
Sammanhörande titlar
Ingår i:Gender and heritage20189781138208148S. 17-29
Länkade data-URI:er (test)
- 225905 (Axelsson, Bodil, 1965-)
- 228139 (Ludvigsson, David, 1971-)
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Gender and heritage