Listening to young children. [Elektronisk resurs] : a guide to understanding and using the mosaic approach / Alison Clark ; foreword by Peter Moss.
Clark, Alison (författare)
Moss, Peter (förord)
- ISBN 9781909391260
- Expanded Third Edition
- Publicerad: London : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017
- Copyright: 2017
- Engelska 1 onlineresurs (192 sidor)
- Viewing children as 'experts in their own lives', the Mosaic approach offers a creative framework for understanding young children's perspectives through talking, walking, making and reviewing material with an adult. This book demonstrates how children's views and experiences can stay in focus in early childhood provision. The multi-method approach brings together digital tools with interviewing and observation to enable adults to review current practice and implement change with children. Combining the authors' successful books Listening to Young Children and Spaces to Play into an expanded and fully updated third edition, this book builds on the authors' original ground-breaking work by commenting on the development and adaptation of the Mosaic approach, along with case studies of the Mosaic approach in action in four countries: England, Denmark, Norway and Australia. Alongside guidance on using and adapting the framework with young children, older children and adults, there is new material on the ethical and methodological issues involved.
- Förskolebarn (sao)
- Lyssnande (sao)
- Preschool children (LCSH)
- Listening (LCSH)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- Preschool children
- Listening
- Early childhood education - activity programs
- 305.233 (DDC)
- Oabkba (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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