Migration, Precarization and the Democratic Deficit in Global Governance [Elektronisk resurs]
Schierup, Carl-Ulrik, 1948- (författare)
- Ålund, Aleksandra, 1945- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Ålund, Alexandra, 1945-
- Likić-Brborić, Branka, 1956- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Brborić, Branka Likić-, 1956-
Linköpings universitet REMESO - Institutet för forskning om Migration, Etnicitet och Samhälle (utgivare)
Linköpings universitet Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier (utgivare)
Linköpings universitet Filosofiska fakulteten (utgivare)
- Publicerad: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015
- Engelska.
Ingår i: International migration (Geneva. Print). - 0020-7985. ; 53:3, 50-63
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- This article attempts to provide a critical understanding of the dual signification of “precarity”. It explores what “precarity” as a concept may potentially offer to studies of the changing contemporary political economy of migration. It discusses shifting trends in global migration and point to tendencies for a possible convergence between “South” and “North”, “East” and “West”. Based on a review of current advances in research, it discusses, with reference to the classical work of Karl Polanyi, the potential for a contemporary “countermovement” which would challenge the precarity of migrants. Bringing forward the issue of the “space for civil society” the article addresses a still lingering democratic deficit in the global governance of migration.
- Social Sciences (hsv)
- Other Social Sciences (hsv)
- International Migration and Ethnic Relations (hsv)
- Samhällsvetenskap (hsv)
- Annan samhällsvetenskap (hsv)
- Internationell Migration och Etniska Relationer (IMER) (hsv)
Indexterm och SAB-rubrik
- migration
- ethnic relations
- global governance
- precarity
- precariat
- democracy
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International migration (Geneva. Print)