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Science fiction criticism : an anthology of essential writings / edited by Rob Latham.

Latham, Rob, 1959- (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 1474248616
Publicerad: London : Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, [2017]
Copyright: ©2017
Engelska vii, 1 unnumbered page, 582 pages
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Part 1: Definitions and boundaries. Editorial: a new sort of magazine / Hugo Gernsback -- Preface to the scientific romances / H.G. Wells -- On the writing of speculative fiction / Robert A. Heinlein -- Wat do you mean science? fiction? / Judith Merril -- Preface to mirrorshades: the cyberpunk anthology / Bruce Sterling -- Cybernetic deconstructions: cyberpunk and postmodernism / Veronica Hollinger -- The many deaths of science fiction: a polemic / Roger Luckhurst -- On defining sf, or not: genre theory, sf, and history / John Rieder -- Part 2: Structure and form. Which way to inner space? / J.G. Ballard -- About 5,750 words / Samuel R. Delany -- On the poetics of the science fiction genre / Darko Suvin -- The absent paradigm: An introduction to the semiotics of science fiction / Marc Angenot -- Reading sf as a mega-text / Damien Broderick -- Time travel and the mechanics of narrative / David Wittenberg -- Part 3: Ideology and the world view. Mutation or death! / John B. Michel -- The imagination of disaster / Susan Sontag -- The image of women in science fiction / Joanna Russ -- Progress versus Utopia: or, can we imagine the future? / Fredric Jameson -- Science fiction and critical theory / Carl Freedman -- Alien cryptographies: the view from queer / Wendy Pearson -- The women history doesn't see: recovering midcentury women's sf as a literature of social critique / Lisa Yaszek -- Part 4: The nonhuman. Author's introduction to Frankenstein / Mary Shelley -- The android and the human / Philip K. Dick -- A cyborg manifesto: Science, technology, and socialist feminism in the late twentieth century / Donna Haraway -- Virtual bodies and flickering signifiers / N. Katherine Hayles -- The coming technological singularity: how to survive in a post-human era / Vernor Vinge -- Aliens in the fourth dimension / Gwyneth Jones -- Technofetishism and the uncanny desires of A.S.F.R. ( / Alison de Fren -- Animal alterity: Science fiction and human-animal studies / Sherryl Vint -- Part 5: Race and the legacy of colonialism. Science fiction and empire / Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr. -- Further considerations on Afrofuturism / Kodwo Eshun -- Indigenous scientific literacies in Nalo Hopkinson's ceremonial worlds / Grace L. Dillon -- Biotic invasions: Ecological imperialism in new wave science fiction / Rob Latham -- Alien/Asian: Imagining the racialized future / Stephen Hong Sohn -- Report from Planet Midnight / Nalo Hopkinson -- Future histories and cyborg labor: reading borderlands science fiction after NAFTA / Lyssa Rivera.
  • "Including more than 30 essential works of science fiction criticism in a single volume, this is a comprehensive introduction to the study of this enduringly popular genre. Science fiction criticism: an anthology of essential writing covers such topics as: Definitions and boundaries of the genre, the many forms of science fiction, from time travel to"inner space", ideology and identity: from utopian fantasy to feminist, queer and environmental readings, The non-human: androids, aliens, cyborgs, and animals, race and the legacy of colonialism"--Cover page 4. 


Science fiction  (sao)
Litteraturkritik  (sao)
Science fiction  -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Science fiction  (sbiao)
Criticism  (LCSH)
Literature  -- Theory, etc. (LCSH)
Science fiction  (LCSH)


PN3433.6 (LCC)
809.38762 (DDC)
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