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Social work in a glocalised world / edited by Mona Livholts and Lia Bryant.

Livholts, Mona, 1961- (redaktör/utgivare)
Alternativt namn: Scheffer Kumpula, Mona, 1961-
Alternativt namn: Kumpula, Mona Scheffer, 1961-
Bryant, Lia (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9781138644991
Publicerad: Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2017
Engelska xv, 244 pages
Serie: Routledge advances in social work
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Introduction: social work in a glocalised world / Mona Livholts and Lia Bryant -- The glocalisation of social issues -- Glocal terrains of farmer distress and suicide / Lia Bryant and Bridget Garnham -- Gendered globalisation and violence / Jeff Hearn, Kopano Ratele and Tamara Shefer -- Globalisation and glocalised policies for asylum seekers : a comparative analysis of australia and the UK / Shepard Masocha -- "The humanitarian gaze", human rights films and glocalised social work / Sonia Tascon -- Methodological re-shaping and spatial transgressions in glocalised social work -- "What we learn how to see" : a politics of location and situated writing in glocalised social work / Mona Livholts -- Geographies of anger and fear : exploring the affective atmospheres of men's "domestic" violence / Lucas Gottzén -- Loss and grief in global social work : autoethnographic explorations of the case of the tsunami catastrophe in northeastern Japan March 2011 / Els-Marie Anbäcken -- Writing from the self and the liberatory process of reformulating identities that extends to and beyond the migratory experience / Sindi Gordon -- Social sculpture through dreams and conversations : creating spaces for participatory and situation specific art based methods / Lott Alfreds and Charlotte Åberg -- Responses from social work as a glocalised profession -- Community work as a socio-spatial response to the challenge of glocal segregation and vulnerability / Päivi Turunen -- Protecting the rights of overseas Filipino workers : social work beyond national borders / Nilan Yu and Mary Lou Alcid -- International migration and national welfare institutions : doulas as border workers in obstetric care in Sweden / Sabine Gruber -- Undoing privilege in transnational social work : implications for critical practices in the local and global context / Bob Pease -- Conclusion: glocality and social work : methodological responsiveness to moments of rupture / Lia Bryant and Mona Livholts -- Index.


Social service  (sao)
Socialt arbete  (sao)
Social service.  (LCSH)
Globalization  -- Social aspects. (LCSH)
Globalization  -- Social aspects. (fast)
Globalisering  -- sociala aspekter (sao)
Social service  (LCSH)


HV40 (LCC)
361.3 (DDC)
Ohf (kssb/8 (machine generated))
Inställningar Hjälp

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