Predictive analytics [Elektronisk resurs] the power to predict who will click, buy, lie, or die / Eric Siegel.
Siegel, Eric, 1968- (författare)
- ISBN 9781119153658
- Revised and Updated Edition.
- Publicerad: Hoboken : Wiley, 2016
- Engelska 1 online resource (320 s.)
- Relaterad länk:
http://catalogimages... (Cover image)
- Foreword / Thomas H Davenport -- Preface to the Revised and Updated Edition: What's new and who's this book for-the predictive analytics FAQ -- Preface to the Original Edition: What is the occupational hazard of predictive analytics? -- Introduction: Prediction effect -- Liftoff! prediction takes action (deployment) -- With power comes responsibility: Hewlett-Packard, Target, the Cops, and the NSA deduce your secrets (ethics) -- Data effect: a glut at the end of the rainbow (data) -- Machine that learns: a look inside Chase's prediction of mortgage risk (modeling) -- Ensemble effect: Netflix, crowdsourcing, and supercharging prediction (ensembles) -- Watson and the jeopardy! challenge (question answering) -- Persuasion by the numbers: how Telenor, US Bank, and the Obama Campaign engineered influence (uplift) -- Afterword: Eleven predictions for the first hour of 2022 -- Appendices: -- A: Five effects of prediction -- B: Twenty applications of predictive analytics -- C: Prediction people: cast of "characters" -- Hands-On Guide: Resources for further leaning -- Acknowledgments -- About the author -- Index.
- Economic forecasting. (LCSH)
- Prediction (Psychology) (LCSH)
- Social prediction. (LCSH)
- Human behavior. (LCSH)
- Social sciences -- Forecasting. (LCSH)
- Electronic books.
- 303.49 (DDC)
- Op (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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