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Programming and computational thinking in technology education : Swedish and international perspectives / edited by Jonas Hallström and Marc J. de Vries.

Hallström, Jonas, 1969- (redaktör/utgivare)
Vries, Marc J. de, 1958- (illustratör)
Alternativt namn: Vries, Marinus Jacobus de, 1958-
Alternativt namn: Vries, M. J., 1958-
Alternativt namn: Vries, Marc de, 1958-
Alternativt namn: De Vries, Marc
ISBN 9789004687912
Publicerad: Leiden ; Brill, 2024
Engelska 1 online resource
Serie: International technology education studies, 1879-8748 ; volume 20
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Part 1 Definition, Philosophy and History of Programming and Computational Thinking, in Relation to Technology Education -- Part 2 Curriculum and Teacher Perspectives on Computational Thinking and Programming in Technology Education -- Part 3 Computational Thinking and Programming in Technology Teaching. 
  • "In the last decade, programming and computational thinking (CT) have been introduced on a large scale in school curricula and standards all over the world. In countries such as the UK, a new school subject-computing-was created, whereas in countries such as Sweden, programming was included in existing subjects, notably mathematics and technology education. The introduction of programming and CT in technology education implies a particular relationship between programming and technology. Programming is usually performed with technological artefacts-various types of computers-and it can also be seen as a specific branch of engineering. This book analyses the background to and current implementation of programming and computational thinking in a Swedish school technology context, in relation to international developments. The various chapters deal with pertinent issues in technology education and its relation to computers and computing, for example, computational thinking and literacy, teachers' programming competence, and computational thinking, programming, and learning in technology education. The book includes examples from educational research that could also be used as inspiration for school teaching, teacher education and curriculum development"-- 


Teknikundervisning  (sao)
Programmering  (sao)
Technical education.  (LCSH)
Technical education  -- Sweden. (LCSH)
Computer programming  -- Study and teaching -- Sweden. (LCSH)
Computer programming  -- Study and teaching. (LCSH)
Enseignement technique.  (Vedettes-matière)
Enseignement technique  -- Suède. (Vedettes-matière)
Programmation (Informatique)  -- Étude et enseignement. (Vedettes-matière)
Technical education  (LCSH)
Computer programming  (LCSH)
Sverige  (sao)


LC1047.S8 (LCC)
607.109485 (DDC)
Inställningar Hjälp

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