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Sökning: onr:1g0z0w07zvgn5hw8 > Friluftsliv explored

Friluftsliv explored an environmental and outdoor teaching approach for knowledge, emotions and quality of life / Eds. Britta Brügge, Matz Glantz, Klas Sandell, Therese Lundqvist Jones, Anders Szczepanski and Per Andersson ; translation by Therese Lundqvist Jones.

Brügge, Britta, 1940- (redaktör/utgivare)
Glantz, Matz (redaktör/utgivare)
Sandell, Klas (redaktör/utgivare)
Lundqvist Jones, Therese (redaktör/utgivare, översättare)
Szczepanski, Anders, 1954- (redaktör/utgivare)
Andersson, Per, 1964- (redaktör/utgivare)
Linköpings universitet Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (utgivare)
Linköpings universitet Utbildningsvetenskap (utgivare)
Linköpings universitet Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande (utgivare)
ISBN 9789179290665
Publicerad: Linköping : Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021
Engelska 1 onlineresurs (296 sidor)
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  • E-bok
Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Friluftsliv explored doesn’t only include nature knowledge, techniques in the outdoors and outdoor pedagogics but also covers ecology, human ecology, geography, environmental and societal questions, history, health, biology, craft and lots of practical activities -both for urban and rural friluftsliv. In this translation to English of the revised fifth edition of the Swedish book there are many activities and the text is suitable for the modern day. Friluftsliv embraces the feeling around the campfire, paddling along winding rivers and walking towards the distant blue mountains. But, it is also to whittle a stick, to remember your waterproofs and to find your way home. Knowledge emerges when you combine imagination with facts and the glint in your eyes, using all our outdoor environments: forests, water, the coast, mountains and the nature close at hand. Emotion is to swim in crystal clear water far out in the archipelago and to see the clouds gliding across the sky. But also, to be able to present other sides of yourself, to be fascinated by your own body, the struggling ant and the sight of frost on trees. Quality of life is to experience friluftsliv – as it happens! 


Utomhuspedagogik  (sao)
Friluftsliv  (sao)
Social Sciences  (hsv)
Educational Sciences  (hsv)
Pedagogy  (hsv)
Samhällsvetenskap  (hsv)
Utbildningsvetenskap  (hsv)
Pedagogik  (hsv)
Natural Sciences  (hsv)
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences  (hsv)
Environmental Sciences  (hsv)
Naturvetenskap  (hsv)
Geovetenskap och miljövetenskap  (hsv)
Miljövetenskap  (hsv)
Outdoor life  (LCSH)
Outdoor education  (LCSH)


government publication  (marcgt)


371.384 (DDC)
Eaby (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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