Existential therapies / Mick Cooper.
Cooper, Mick (författare)
- ISBN 9781446201282
- Second edition.
- Publicerad: London ; Sage Publications, 2017
- Engelska xv, 215 pages
- Introduction: the rich tapestry of existential therapies -- Existential philosophy : the meaning of being -- Daseinsanalysis : foundations for an Existential therapy -- Meaning-centered therapies: discovering meaning and purpose in life -- Existential-humanistic therapy : overcoming a resistance to life -- R.D. Laing : meeting without masks -- Existential-phenomenological therapy : the exploration of existence -- Dimensions of existential therapeutic practice -- Discussion: challenges and possibilities for the existential therapies.
- What does it mean to practice therapy in an existential way? What are the different existential approaches? What are their strengths and limitations? The second edition of Existential Therapies addresses these key questions and more, by providing students and practitioners with an invaluable overview of the diverse world of existential therapeutic practice. Updated to reflect current issues and debates in the field, this new edition includes: discussions of key figures and their contributions, including Yalom, van Deurzen, Spinelli, Frankl and Laing; sections presenting research evidence for each approach; an extended case study running through the book, demonstrating how different therapies might approach the same case; chapter overviews, questions for reflection, and additional case studies of existential practice. Written with a practical focus, this is an essential introduction to a rich and stimulating field.
- Existentiell psykoterapi (sao)
- Existentialistisk psykologi (sao)
- Existentialism (sao)
- Existential psychotherapy (LCSH)
- Existential psychology (LCSH)
- Existentialism (LCSH)
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