Global marketing / Svend Hollensen.
Hollensen, Svend (författare)
- ISBN 9781292100111
- 7. ed.
- Publicerad: Harlow : Pearson, 2017
- Engelska xliv, 825 s.
- Global marketing in the firm -- Initiation of internationalization -- Internationalization theories -- Development of the firm's international competitiveness -- Global marketing research -- The political and economic environment -- The sociocultural environment -- The international market selection process -- Some approaches to the choice of entry mode -- Export modes -- Intermediate entry modes -- Hierarchical modes -- International sourcing decisions and the role of the subsupplier -- Product decisions -- Pricing decisions and terms of doing business -- Distribution decisions -- Communication decisions (promotion strategies) -- Cross-cultural sales negotiations -- Organization and control of the global marketing programme.
- Internationell marknadsföring (sao)
- Export marketing. (LCSH)
- Export marketing -- Case studies (LCSH)
- HF1416 (LCC)
- 658.84 (DDC)
- Qblbd (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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