Services marketing : integrating customer focus across the firm / Alan Wilson, Valarie A. Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner and Dwayne D. Gremler.
Wilson, Alan M. (författare)
Zeithaml, Valarie A. (författare)
Bitner, Mary Jo (författare)
Gremler, Dwayne D. (författare)
- ISBN 9780077169312
- Third European edition.
- Publicerad: Maidenhead, Berkshire [UK] : McGraw-Hill Education, 2016
- Engelska xvii, 538 pages
- pt. 1. Foundations for Services Marketing: Ch. 1. Introduction to Services -- Ch. 2. Consumer Behaviour in Services -- Ch. 3. Customer Expectations of Services -- Ch. 4. Customer Perceptions of Sservice -- Ch. 5. The Gaps Model of Service Quality.
- pt. 2. Understanding Customer Requirements: Ch. 6. Listening to Customers -- Ch. 7. Building Customer Relationships.
- pt. 3. Aligning Service Design and Standards. Ch. 8. Service Innovation and Design -- Ch. 9. Customer-Defined Service Standards -- Ch. 10. Physical and Virtual Servicescape.
- pt. 4. Delivering and Performing Service: Ch. 11. Employees' Roles in Service Delivery -- Ch. 12. Customers' Roles in Service Delivery -- CH. 13. Delivery Services through Electronic Channels and Intermediaries -- Ch. 14. Managing Demand and Capacity -- CH. 15. Service Recovery.
- pt. 5. Managing Service Promises. Ch. 16. Managing External and Internal Communications -- Ch. 17. Pricing of Services.
- pt. 6. Service and the Bottom Line. Ch. 18. The Financial Impact of Service Quality -- Cases.
- Tjänster (sao)
- Marknadsföring (sao)
- Kundorientering (sao)
- Marketing. (LCSH)
- Customer services. (LCSH)
- Service industries -- Marketing. (LCSH)
- Customer services. (fast)
- Marketing. (fast)
- Service industries -- Marketing. (fast)
- Marketing (LCSH)
- Customer services (LCSH)
- HD9980.5 (LCC)
- 658.8 (DDC)
- Qbl (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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