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Promoting peace through international law / edited by Cecilia Marcela Bailliet and Kjetil Mujezinoviâc Larsen.

  • BokEngelska2015

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • Publicerad:Oxford :Publicerad:Oxford University Press,Publicerad:2015
  • xliii, 447 s.


  • LIBRIS-ID:18813515
  • ISBN:9780198722731
  • Ogiltigt nummer / annan version:9780191789496 (ebook)

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska


  • DDC:341.73 23 /swe
  • Obbkssb/8 (machine generated)


  • Introduction:Promoting peace through international law /Cecilia M. Bailliet and Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen --The politics of peace and law : realism, internationalism and the cosmopolitan challenge /Kristoffer Lidén and Henrik Syse --Normative foundation of the international law of peace /Cecilia M. Bailliet --The good faith obligation to maintain international peace and security and the pacific settlement of disputes /Simon O'Connor and Cecilia M. Bailliet --Protecting which peace for whom against what? A conceptual analysis of collective security /Pål Wrange --Protection of human rights and the maintenance of international peace and security : necessary precondition or a clash of interests? /Ola Engdahl --Human rights violations and conflict risk : a theoretical and empirical assessment /Kjersti Skarstad --Traps of violence : a human rights analysis of relationships between peace and development /Bård A. Andreassen --Environmentally sustainable development and peace : the role of international law /Christina Voigt --World peace through world trade? The role of dispute settlement in the WTO /Ole Kristian Fauchald --The potential of the arms trade treaty to reduce violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law /Gro Nystuen and Kjølv Egeland --Non-discrimination and equality as the foundations of peace /Vibeke Blaker Strand --Refugees and peace /Maja Janmyr --Barely begun : the inclusion of women as peacemakers, peacekeepers, and peacebuilders in international law and practice /Cornelia Weiss --United Nations peace operations and international law : what kind of law promotes what kind of peace? /Kjetil Mujezinović Larsen --It's about trust : transitional justice and accountability in the search for peace /Jemima García-Godos --The role and contribution of international courts in furthering peace as an essential community interest /Gentian Zyberi --International fact-finding mechanisms : lighting candles or cursing darkness? /Cecilie Hellestveit --The constitutional dimension of peace /Azin Tadjdini --Education for peace : epilogue /Maria D. Sommardahl.
  • Inspired by the Grotian tradition in international law of the 'idea of peace', 'Promoting Peace through International Law' aims to explain how peace may be achieved by utilising the existing international and national normative and institutional legal frameworks. It explores how negative and positive dimensions of peace are interrelated.

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Bailliet, Cecilia (redaktör/utgivare)
  • Larsen, Kjetil Mujezinoviâc,1976- (redaktör/utgivare)

Bibliotekens lokala klassifikation, anmärkningar och ämnesord

  • AlbPeace-building

Länkade data-URI:er (test)

  • (Internationell rätt sao)
  • (Folkrätt sao)
  • (Internationell säkerhet sao)
  • (Fredsbyggande sao)
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