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Sears and Zemansky's university physics : with modern physics / Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman ; contributing author A. Lewis Ford.

Young, Hugh D., 1930- (författare)
Alternativt namn: Young, Hugh David, 1930-
Freedman, Roger A. (författare)
Ford, Albert Lewis (författare)
ISBN 9781292100319
14. ed., global edition
Publicerad: 2015
Publicerad: Harlow, England : Pearson, cop. 2016
Engelska 1593, [7] s.
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • MECHANICS -- 1. Units, Physical Quantities, and Vectors -- 2. Motion Along a Straight Line -- 3. Motion in Two or Three Dimensions 4. Newton’s Laws of Motion -- 5. Applying Newton’s Laws -- 6. Work and Kinetic Energy -- 7. Potential Energy and Energy Conservation -- 8. Momentum, Impulse, and Collisions -- 9. Rotation of Rigid Bodies -- 10. Dynamics of Rotational Motion -- 11. Equilibrium and Elasticity -- 12. Fluid Mechanics -- 13. Gravitation -- 14. Periodic Motion -- WAVES/ACOUSTICS -- 15. Mechanical Waves -- 16. Sound and Hearing -- THERMODYNAMICS -- 17. Temperature and Heat -- 18. Thermal Properties of Matter -- 19. The First Law of Thermodynamics -- 20. The Second Law of Thermodynamics -- ELECTROMAGNETISM -- 21. Electric Charge and Electric Field -- 22. Gauss’s Law -- 23. Electric Potential -- 24. Capacitance and Dielectrics -- 25. Current, Resistance, and Electromotive Force -- 26. Direct-Current Circuits -- 27. Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces -- 28. Sources of Magnetic Field -- 29. Electromagnetic Induction -- 30. Inductance -- 31. Alternating Current -- 32. Electromagnetic Waves -- OPTICS -- 33. The Nature and Propagation of Light -- 34. Geometric Optics -- 35. Interference -- 36. Diffraction MODERN PHYSICS -- 37. Relativity -- 38. Photons: Light Waves Behaving as Particles -- 39. Particles Behaving as Waves -- 40. Quantum Mechanics I: Wave Functions -- 41. Quantum Mechanics II: Atomic Structure -- 42. Molecules and Condensed Matter -- 43. Nuclear Physics -- 44. Particle Physics and Cosmology -- Appendices. 
  • Since its first edition, University Physics has been revered for its emphasis on fundamental principles and how to apply them. This text is known for its clear and thorough narrative, as well as its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful sets of worked examples that provide students with key tools for developing both conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills. The Fourteenth Edition improves the defining features of the text while adding new features influenced by education research to teach the skills needed by today’s students. A focus on visual learning, new problem types, and pedagogy informed by MasteringPhysics metadata headline the improvements designed to create the best learning resource for physics students. 


Fysik  (sao)
Physics  -- Textbooks (LCSH)
Physics  -- Study and teaching (Higher) (LCSH)
Physics  (LCSH)


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