Academic entrepreneurship [Elektronisk resurs]creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem /edited by Andrew C. Corbett, Donald S. Siegel, Jerome A. Katz.
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Publicerad:Bingley, U.K.Publicerad:Emerald,Publicerad:2014
1 online resource (xvi, 248 p.)
Ogiltigt nummer / annan version:9781783509843 (print)
Kompletterande språkuppgifter
Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth,1074-7540 ;v. 16
Beyond tech transfer : a more comprehensive approach to measuring the entrepreneurial university / Mary L. Walshok, Josh D. Shapiro -- Academic entrepreneurship : a stage-based model / Sharon A. Simmons, Jeffrey S. Hornsby -- Academic entrepreneurship : exploring resistive tension / Deborah Shepherd, Christine Woods -- Creating a dynamic campus-community entrepreneurial ecosystem : key characteristics of success / Bruce Kingma -- University technology transfer in China : how effective are national centers? / Paul Miesing, Mingfeng Tang, Mingfang Li -- University knowledge spillovers & regional start-up rates : supply and demand side factors / Karin Hellerstedt, Karl Wennberg, Lars Frederiksen -- Categorization and analysis of academic patents : developing a framework to examine differences in technology, opportunity and commercialization characteristics / Jonas Gabrielsson, Diamanto Politis, ¿sa Lindholm Dahlstrand -- The contributions and disconnections between writing a business plan and the start-up process for incubator technology entrepreneurs / Clare Gately, James Cunningham.
Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth provides an annual examination of the major current research in the field of entrepreneurship, including firm emergence and growth research. The Advances series also publishes papers from fields such as strategy or sociology that use entrepreneurial examples. It is a key source of articles-of-record for major concepts in the discipline of entrepreneurship. Volume 16 considers the central issue of academic entrepreneurship: the factors and concepts that underpin the fostering of university-based entrepreneurial ventures. Specifically, it contains research on the consequences of university technology transfer, with a strong emphasis on the entrepreneurial dimension of this activity. The theoretical and empirical manuscripts in this volume consider all aspects of how university stakeholders create, incubate, and accelerate ventures.
Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar
Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)
Corbett, Andrew C.(författare)
Siegel, Donald S.,1959-(författare)
Katz, Jerome A.(författare)
Sammanhörande titlar
Annan version:PrintAcademic entrepreneurship9781783509843
Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth,1074-7540 ;v. 16
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