Solar engineering of thermal processes [Elektronisk resurs] / John A. Duffie, William A. Beckman.
Duffie, John A (författare)
Beckman, William A. (författare)
Wiley online library.
- ISBN 9781118418123
- 4th ed.
- Publicerad: Chichester : Wiley, 2013
- Engelska 1 online resource (938 p.)
- Fundamentals. Fundamentals ; Solar radiation ; Available solar radiation ; Selected heat transfer topics ; Radiation characteristics of opaque materials ; Radiation transmission through glazing: absorbed radiation ; Flat-plate collectors ; Concentrating collectors ; Energy storage ; Solar process loads ; System thermal calculations ; Solar process economics -- Applications. Applications ; Solar water heating: active and passive ; Building heating: active ; Building heating: passive and hybrid methods ; Solar cooling ; Solar industrial process heat ; Solar thermal power systems ; Solar ponds: evaporative processes -- Design methods. Design methods ; Simulations in solar process design ; Design of active systems: chart ; Design of active systems by utilizability methods ; Design of passive and hybrid heating systems ; Design of photovoltaic systems ; Wind energy -- Appendixes. A: Problems ; B: Nomenclature ; C: International system of units ; D: Meteorological data ; E: Average shading factors for overhangs -- Index.
- The fourth edition of the acknowledged leading book on solar engineering, this volume presents the basics of solar energy, then goes on to cover the technologies used to harvest this solar energy, store it, and deliver it, including photovoltaics, solar heaters, and cells. The new edition features an added chapter discussing a simulation problem, allowing students to apply the theory to real world systems. Other simulation problems are offered via a student website and include a solar domestic hot water system, a commercial solar heating application, and a photovoltaic system for a house.
- Solar energy. (LCSH)
- Heat -- Transmission. (LCSH)
- TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Mechanical. (bisacsh)
- Electronic books.
- 621.47 (DDC)
- Pbbö (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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