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Athletes' careers across cultures / edited by Natalia B. Stambulova and Tatiana V. Ryba.

  • BokEngelska2013

Förlag, utgivningsår, omfång ...

  • Publicerad:London :Publicerad:Routledge,Publicerad:2013
  • xviii, 266 p.24 cm.


  • LIBRIS-ID:14706491
  • ISBN:9781848721678
  • ISBN:1848721676
  • ISBN:9780415505307
  • ISBN:0415505305
  • ISBN:9780203545683
  • ISBN:0203545680
  • 40022471821

Kompletterande språkuppgifter

  • Språk:engelska



  • Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • The turn towards a culturally informed approach to career research and assistance in sport psychology / Tatiana V. Ryba and Natalia B. Stambulova -- Athletes' careers in Australia : From retirement to education and beyond / Tim Chambers, Sandy Gordon and Tony Morris -- Athletes' careers in Belgium : A holistic perspective to understand and alleviate challenges occurring throughout the athletic and post-athletic career / Paul Wylleman, Anke Reints and Paul De Knop -- Athletes' careers in Brazil : Research and application in the land of ginga / Maria Regina Ferreira Brandão and Lenamar Fiorese Vieira -- Athletes' careers in Canada : Four decades of research and practice / Robert J. Schinke, Jessica Cummings and Justin Bonhomme -- Athletes' careers in China : Advances in athletic retirement research and assistance / Zhijian Huang, Menglin Chen and Na Qiao -- Athletes' careers in Denmark : Nurturing athletic talents / Kristoffer Henriksen and Mette Krogh Christensen -- Athletes' careers in France : In pursuit of excellence in sport and life / Nadine Debois and Véronique Leseur -- Athletes' careers in Germany : Research and assistance programs / Dorothee Alfermann and Franziska Preis -- Athletes' careers in Greece : Towards a culturally infused future / Stiliani 'Ani' Chroni, Eleni Diakaki and Athanasios Papaioannou -- Athletes' careers in Japan : Before and after retirement in sports / Norishige Toyoda -- Athletes' careers in Mexico : Learning how to handle transitions / Cristina Fink -- Athletes' careers in New Zealand (Aotearoa) : The impact of the Graham Report and the carding system / Christina Ryan and Holly Thorpe -- Athletes' careers in Russia : From Moscow 1980 to the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics / Natalia B. Stambulova and Elena E. Hvatskaya -- Athletes' careers in Slovenia : The remarkable sporting achievements of a small country / Saša Cecić Erpič -- Athletes' careers in Spain : Professionalization and developmental consequences / Miquel Torregrosa and Ma Dolores González -- Athletes' careers in Sweden : Facilitating socialization into sports and re-socialization upon retirement / Natalia B. Stambulova and Urban Johnson -- Athletes' careers in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland : Differences in the evolution of reserch and support programs in two neighbor nations / Sunghee Park, David Lavallee and David Tod -- Athletes' careers in the United States : Developmental programming for athletes in transition / Albert Petitpas, Judy L. Van Raalte and Britton W. Brewer -- Setting the bar : Towards cultural praxis of athletes' careers / Natalia B. Stambulova and Tatiana V. Ryba.

Ämnesord och genrebeteckningar

Biuppslag (personer, institutioner, konferenser, titlar ...)

  • Stambulova, Natalia B. (redaktör/utgivare)
  • Ryba, Tatiana V. (redaktör/utgivare)

Bibliotekens lokala klassifikation, anmärkningar och ämnesord

  • JonIdrott
  • JonIdrottsmän
  • JonKarriärplanering
  • JonTvärkulturella studier
  • JonAntropologi
  • JonSports
  • JonAthletes
  • JonCareer development
  • JonCross-cultural studies
  • JonAnthropology

Länkade data-URI:er (test)

  • (Idrott sao)
  • (Idrottare sao)
  • (Kulturstudier sao)
  • (Idrottssociologi sao)
  • (Karriär sao)
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