Encyclopedia of management theory / Eric H. Kessler, editor.
Kessler, Eric H. (redaktör/utgivare)
- ISBN 9781452276090
- Publicerad: Los Angeles : SAGE reference, 2013
- Engelska 1 online resource (xxxi, 1005 pages)
- Relaterad länk:
http://sk.sagepub.co... (Table of Contents / Abstracts) (SAGE knowledge)
- This work is designed to serve as a core reference for anyone interested in the essentials of contemporary management theory. Drawing together a team of international scholars, it examines the global landscape of the key theories and the theorists behind them, presenting them in the context needed to understand their strengths and weaknesses to apply them. In addition to interpretations of long-established theories, it also offers essays on cutting-edge research and provides concise definitions of key concepts, ideas, schools, and figures.
- Management -- Encyclopedias. (LCSH)
- Specialized.
- HD30.15 (LCC)
- 658.001 (DDC)
- Qba (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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