Nordic research in didactics of mathematics : past, present and future /Barbro Grevholm ... (eds.).
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Publicerad:Oslo :Publicerad:Cappelen Damm,Publicerad:2013
545 s.ill.
Kompletterande språkuppgifter
Sammanfattning på:svenska
Indhold: What is it all about - Nordic research in didactics of mathematics? / Barbro grevholm -- European aims to stimulate inquiry in school mathematics / Mette Andresen -- Introducing an inquiry-based approach in mathematics teacher education : focus on student teachers' reflections / Claire Vaugelade Berg -- Supervision of mathematics education research in the Nordic countries / Ole Björkqvist -- Pre-service teacher students' experiences of mathematics and mathematics education : a phenomenological research project / Tone Bulien -- Kindergarten teachers orchestrating children's appropriation of mathematical tools / Martin Carlsen -- From theory to practice and back again / Lisser Rye Ejersbo -- Characterisation of teachers' orchestration of dynamic geometry software use in mathematics / Ingvald Erfjord -- Inquiry approach for better mathematics teaching - teachers' reflections / Anne Berit Fuglestad -- NOMAD - Nordic studies in mathematics education : the first eight years / Gunnar Gjone -- Reporting classroom research : a moral dilemma / Simon Goodchild -- What characterizes mathematics education in the Nordic countries? / Lis Sissel Grønmo -- Teachers' competence from their pespectives and their own language / Per Sigurd Hundeland..
Quality in Nordic mathematics teaching / Lisen Häggblom -- Limits and infinity - a study of university students' performance revisited / Kristina Juter & Barbro Grevholm -- Seeking hidden dimensions of algebra teaching through video analysis / Cecilia Kilhamn & Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg -- "It is mainly about the teacher" - aspects of pupils liking of mathematics / Kirsti Kislenko -- The role of theory in the interpretation of teaching and learning in mathematics classroom / Bodil Kleve -- Estonian mathematics education research and its Nordic links / Madis Lepik -- Matematik i yrke och yrkesutbildning historisk och i nutid / Lisbeth Lindberg -- Dominant study paradigms in mathematics education research - for better and for worse / Mogens Niss -- Exploring feedback in the mathematics classroom : developing an analytical tool / Birgit Pepin -- Understanding relations between variables : revisiting a "node" in the development of algebraic thinking / Per-Eskil Persson -- Identifying the important issues in research about mathematics textbooks at the tertiary level / Mira Randahl -- The design of a professional development programme for engineers to become mathematics teachers / Ragnhild Johanne Rans@å. Methodologies in Nordic research on mathematics textbooks / Sebastian Rezat & Rudolf Strässer -- Children working with fractions in different contexts / Frode Rønning -- Reforms in education through the lens of transactional analysis theory / Anna Sierpinska.
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Grevholm, Barbro,1941-
Bibliotekens lokala klassifikation, anmärkningar och ämnesord
JonMathematics teaching
JonEducational research
JonNordic countries
JonBaltic states
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