Applied photovoltaics [Elektronisk resurs] / S.R. Wenham ... [et al.].
Wenham, Stuart R. (författare)
- ISBN 9781849776981
- 3rd ed.
- Publicerad: London : Earthscan, 2011
- Engelska xii, 289 s.
- The characteristics of sunlight -- Semiconductors and P-N junctions -- The behaviour of solar cells -- Cell properties and design -- PV cell interconnection and module fabrication -- Stand-alone photovoltaic system components -- Designing stand-alone photovoltaic systems -- Specific purpose photovoltaic applications -- Remote area power supply systems -- Grid-connected photovoltaic systems -- Photovoltaic water pumping system components.
- The new edition of this thoroughly considered textbook provides a reliable, accessible and comprehensive guide for students of photovoltaic applications and renewable energy engineering. Written by a group of award-winning authors it is brimming with information and is carefully designed to meet the needs of its readers. Along with exercises and references at the end of each chapter, it features a set of detailed technical appendices that provide essential equations, data sources and standards. The new edition has been fully updated with the latest information on photovoltaic cells, modules, applications and policy. Starting from basics with 'The Characteristics of Sunlight' the reader is guided step-by-step through semiconductors and p-n junctions; the behaviour of solar cells; cell properties and design; and PV cell interconnection and module fabrication. The book covers stand-alone photovoltaic systems; specific purpose photovoltaic systems; remote area power supply systems; grid-connected photovoltaic systems and water pumping.Applied Photovoltaics is highly illustrated and very accessible, providing the reader with all the information needed to start working with photovoltaics.
- Solenergi (sao)
- Photovoltaic power generation. (LCSH)
- Photovoltaic cells. (LCSH)
- Solar energy (LCSH)
- 621.31244 (DDC)
- Pcic (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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