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Sökning: onr:13539186 > Rape in Stieg Larss...

Rape in Stieg Larsson's millennium trilogy and beyond : contemporary Scandinavian and Anglophone crime fiction / edited by Berit Åström, Katarina Gregersdotter, Tanya Horeck.

Åström, Berit, 1969- (redaktör/utgivare)
Gregersdotter, Katarina, 1970-
Alternativt namn: Gregersdotter-Nilsson, Katarina, 1970-
Horeck, Tanya (redaktör/utgivare)
ISBN 9780230308404
Publicerad: Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
Engelska xi, 219 s.
  • Bok
Innehållsförteckning Ämnesord
  • Introduction -- Stieg Larsson's millennium trilogy: opening up the debate. "The girl who pays our salaries": rape and the bestselling millennium trilogy / Priscilla Walton -- The millennium trilogy and the American serial killer narrative: investigating protagonists of men who write women / Barbara Fister -- Lisbeth Salander as a melodramatic heroine: emotional conflicts, split focalization and changing roles in Scandinavian crime fiction / Yvonne Leffler -- Dismembered bodies, wounded states: gender politics in the millennium trilogy and beyond. Rape and the avenging female in Stieg Larsson's millennium trilogy and Håkan Nesser's Woman with birthmark and The inspector and Silence / Marla Harris -- The body, hopelessness and nostalgia: representations of rape and the welfare state in Swedish crime fiction / Katarina Gregersdotter -- Over her dismembered body: the crime fiction of Mo Hayder and Jo Nesbo / Berit Åstrom -- Rewriting scripts: language, gender and violence in contemporary crime fiction. Disarticulated figures: language and sexual violence in contemporary crime fiction / Meghan Freeman -- Male fantasy, sexual exploitation and the femme fatale: reframing scripts of power and gender in neo-noir novels by Sara Paretsky, Megan Abbott and Stieg Larsson / Zoë Brigley-Thompson -- Ethics, violence and adaptation. Rape and replay in Stieg Larsson, Liza Marklund and Val McDermid: on affect, ethics and feeling bad / Tanya Horeck -- The girl with the dragon tattoo: rape, revenge and victimhood in cinematic translation / Claire Henry -- "Hidden in the snow": female violence against the men who hate women in the millennium adaptations / Philippa Gates.


Våldtäkt i litteraturen  (sao)
Rape in literature.  (LCSH)
Rape victims in literature.  (LCSH)
Women in literature.  (LCSH)
Violence in literature.  (LCSH)
Sex crimes in literature.  (LCSH)
Detective and mystery stories, Scandinavian  -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Scandinavian fiction  -- 21st century -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Scandinavian fiction  -- 20th century -- History and criticism. (LCSH)
Misogyni  (kao)
Litteraturvetenskap  -- detektivromaner -- våld -- våldtäkt -- kvinnobilden -- Skandinavien -- Sverige (kao)
Rape in literature  (LCSH)


Analys och tolkning  (saogf)


Larsson, Stieg, 1954-2004 -- Criticism and interpretation.
Larsson, Stieg, 1954-2004
Larsson, Stieg, 1954-2004


PT9876.22.A6933 (LCC)
839.738 (DDC)
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