The structure of scientific revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn ; with an introductory essay by Ian Hacking.
- Kuhn, Thomas S., 1922-1996 (författare)
Alternativt namn: Kuhn, Thomas Samuel, 1922-1996
Hacking, Ian (förord)
- ISBN 9780226458120
- 4. ed. ; 50th anniversary ed.
- Publicerad: Chicago ; The University of Chicago Press, 2012
- Engelska xlvi, 217 s.
- Introductory essay / by Ian Hacking -- Preface -- Introduction: a role for history -- The route to normal science -- The nature of normal science -- Normal science as puzzle-solving -- The priority of paradigms -- Anomaly and the emergence of scientific discoveries -- Crisis and the emergence of scientific theories -- The response to crisis -- The nature and necessity of scientific revolutions -- Revolutions as changes of world view -- The invisibility of revolutions -- The resolution of revolutions -- Progress through revolutions -- Postscript-1969.
- Vetenskapsteori (sao)
- Vetenskapshistoria (sao)
- Science -- Philosophy. (LCSH)
- Science -- History. (LCSH)
- Science -- methods (MeSH)
- Science -- history (MeSH)
- Research -- methods (MeSH)
- Q175 (LCC)
- 501 (DDC)
- Ddc (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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