Archaeological researches in the Edsen-gol region, inner Mongolia Part 2 / by Bo Sommarström ; together with the catalogue / prepared by Folke Bergman.
Sommarström, Bo, 1923- (författare)
Bergman, Folke, 1902-1946 (författare)
- Publicerad: Stockholm : Statens Etnografiska Museum, 1958
- Tillverkad: Stockholm : Thule
- Engelska vii sidor, sidor 189-386, [1] sidor, planschsidor xi-xxvi
Serie: Reports from the Scientific Expedition to the North-Western provinces of China under the leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin - The Sino-Swedish expedition, 0348-0984 ; 7:9
Serie: Archaeology ; 9
- The Khara-khoto region (continued) -- The Mesa area -- Ancient remains along the central Edsen-gol -- Ancient remains of the Mao-mu region -- Ancient remains along the source-streams of the Edsen-gol.
- Archaeology -- Mongolia (LCSH)
- Arkeologi -- Mongoliet (sao)
- 939.6 (DDC)
- Jofc (kssb/5)
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Placering: JARRING Hediniana Rep 5:9
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