Sharing best practices for integrated sustainable land management in the drylands of Southern Africa : the practicalities : 7-11 September 2009 / [compiled by The Ministry of Environment and Tourism for the CPP Programme and reviewed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)].
- Namibia. Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Directorate of Environmental Affairs
Alternativt namn: DEA
- United Nations Development Programme
Alternativt namn: UNDP
Alternativt namn: U.N.D.P.
Alternativt namn: United Nations. Development Programme
Alternativt namn: United Nations. Economic and Social Council. Development Programme
Alternativt namn: United Nations. Program for Development
Alternativt namn: United Nations. Programa para el Desarrollo
Alternativt namn: Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement
Alternativt namn: Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
Alternativt namn: PNUD
Alternativt namn: P.N.U.D.
Alternativt namn: FN:s utvecklingsprogram
- Windhoek : Ministry of Environment and Tourism, 2010.
- Engelska iii, 70 p.
- Land use -- Government policy -- Namibia -- Congresses. (LCSH)
- Land use -- Environmental aspects -- Namibia -- Congresses. (LCSH)
- Land degradation -- Control -- Namibia -- Congresses. (LCSH)
- Arid regions -- Namibia -- Management -- Congresses. (LCSH)
- Namibia Country Pilot Partnership Programme for Integrated Sustainable Land Management in Namibia -- Congresses.
- HD998.Z63 (LCC)
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