The audit society [Elektronisk resurs] rituals of verification / Michael Power.
Power, Michael, Prof. (författare)
- ISBN 0191685186
- Publicerad: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999.
- Engelska xiv, 183 p.
Serie: (Oxford scholarship online).
- Relaterad länk:
- (Table of Contents / Abstracts) (Oxford scholarship online)
- Since the early 1980s there has been an explosion of auditing activity in the UK and North America. Power looks at why this has happened, and asks what it means for society when more and more individuals are subject to formal scrutiny.
- Organizational effectiveness. (LCSH)
- Management. (LCSH)
- Responsibility. (LCSH)
- HF5667 (LCC)
- 657.45 (DDC)
- Qbcf (kssb/8 (machine generated))
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