Schools and armed conflict [electronic resource] : a global survey of domestic laws and state practice protecting schools from attack and military use / [Bede Sheppard].
Sheppard, Bede. (författare)
Human Rights Watch (utgivare)
- New York, NY : Human Rights Watch (HRW), 2011.
- Engelska 1 online resource (159 p.)
Läs hela texten (Fritt tillgänglig via HRW)
- Summary and recommendations. -- Introduction. -- Methodology. -- Terminology. -- Implicit protection from attack: protections for "civilian objects". -- Explicit protection from attack: criminalizing deliberate attacks on education buildings. -- Protecting education buildings from military use. -- Appendix: laws and state practice by country. -- Acknowledgments.
- In many conflicts around the world, armed forces and non-state armed groups are disrupting the education of children in a safe and nurturing environment by attacking schools or occupying and using schools for long periods. These attacks and military use of schools imperil the lives and wellbeing of students and teachers, and impede children's right to education. This report surveys the laws and practices of 56 countries around the world, and evaluates global progress on protecting education facilities during times of conflict. The report highlights countries that have explicitly legislated the war crime of intentional attacks on education buildings, and that have either prohibited or regulated military use of schools. To reduce attacks on school buildings during armed conflicts and minimize the interference caused to children's education by military use of schools, governments should make a genuine commitment to enacting stronger laws and regulations, and ensure better implementation and enforcement. Human Rights Watch calls on governments to make explicit in their criminal and military laws that intentional attacks on school buildings not being used for military purposes during an armed conflict are war crimes. Governments should also enact legislation or institute policies that either prohibit or regulate armed forces' use of schools to better protect the safety of children and teachers, and to ensure children's right to education.
- children -- armed conflicts -- education (sipri)
- Children and war. (LCSH)
- School buildings -- Law and legislation. (LCSH)
- Right to education. (LCSH)
- Students -- Violence against -- Prevention. (LCSH)
- War -- Protection of civilians. (LCSH)
- Teachers -- Violence against -- Prevention. (LCSH)
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