Sherlock, Richard: Practical Christian
The practical Christian, or, The devout penitent : a book of devotion, containing the whole duty of a Christian, in all occasions and necessities, fitted to the main uses of a holy life : in four parts / by R. Sherlock ...
Sherlock, Richard, 1612-1689 (författare)
Meredith, Luke (utgivare)
- The fifth edition, enlarged and corrected.
- London : Printed by J.L. for Luke Meredith ..., 1699
- Engelska [18], 470, [2] s.
- (from t.p.) I. Of self-examination, confession of sins, &c. -- II. Of the communion of the holy body and blood of Christ -- III. Of the hours of prayer, and occasional meditations -- IV. Of the four last things : 1. Death, 2. Judgment, 3. Hell, 4. Heaven.
- Devotional exercises. (LCSH)
- Christian life. (LCSH)
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