Targets of retribution : attacks against medics, injured protesters, and health facilities / [Faraz Sanei].
Sanei, Faraz. (författare)
Human Rights Watch (utgivare)
- ISBN 1-56432-792-2
- New York, NY : Human Rights Watch, 2011.
- Engelska , 54 p.
Läs hela texten (Fulltext)
- Map of Bahrain. -- Summary. -- Recommendations. -- Methodology. -- Background. -- Restrictions on provision of offsite emergency care. -- Siege of hospitals and medical centers. -- Targeting of persons with protest-related injuries. -- Targeting and detentions of doctors and other medical staff. -- Government allegations regarding events at the Salmaniya Medical Comples. -- Acknowledgements. -- Appendix: Letter from Human Rights Watch to the Government of Bahrain.
- In February and March 2011 thousands of Bahrainis, most of them from the country's Shi'a majority, took to the streets to demand political reform. Since the start of this crisis, Human Rights Watch reported on an alarming pattern of attacks, mainly by Bahraini troops and security forces, against medical workers, medical institutions, and patients suspected of participating in protests on the basis of the injuries they had sustained. This report documents the key elements of what appears to have been a systematic campaign by the government aimed punishing and intimidating medical professionals suspected of sympathies with protesters, and hindering access to health care facilities for persons wounded by security forces. Violations documented in this report include: attacks on medical facilities and providers at the main protest site and the denial of access to medical treatment to those injured by security forces; the siege of several hospitals and medical centers, including the Salmaniya Medical Complex, Bahrain's largest public hospital, where many of the most severely injured protesters were taken for treatment; the arrest, detention, and torture or ill-treatment of patients with protest-related injuries; and the arbitrary arrest, interrogation, mistreatment, detention, and prosecution of doctors and medical staff.
- Human rights -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Protest movements -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Demonstrations -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Medical personnel -- Violence against -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Patients -- Violence against -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Police brutality -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Detention of persons -- Bahrain. (LCSH)
- Proteströrelser -- Bahrain (sao)
- Mänskliga rättigheter -- Bahrain (sao)
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